Bargaining Platform Ratified (2024-05-15)

With 98% approval, SGWU members approved our proposed Bargaining Economics Platform which includes an immediate and substantial pay and benefit increase that accounts for on-campus rent increases, inflation, and the cost of living at Stanford.

SGWU Election Results (2024-05-15)

In this vote, our Bargaining Economics Platform was ratified by majority vote by our membership. The results:

Ballot Item Approve Disapprove
SGWU-UE Economic Bargaining Platform Summary 1660 (98.3%) 29 (1.7%)

SGWU Files Unfair Labor Practice Charges (2024-02-20)

We filed our first Unfair Labor Practice charges against Stanford for illegally blocking union messages from some departmental mailing lists where other non-work communications (free food, parties, etc.) are allowed. Despite weeks of trying to resolve this at the bargaining table, Stanford refused to admit wrongdoing or agree to stop. We filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold them accountable.

February Action Meeting (2024-02-07)

On February 7th, 2024, hundreds of graduate workers attended our February Action Meeting (FAM)! Workers presented major issues our bargaining committee is currently fighting for, including a six-year funding guarantee for all PhD workers, real recourse for harassment and discrimination, protections for international workers, fellow inclusion, health and safety protections and a strong union shop. Despite rain earlier that day, we wrapped up the FAM by marching across campus hanging posters calling for a strong contract. Thank you to everyone who showed up!

First Day of Bargaining (2023-11-03)

Today was a great day for grad workers at Stanford! We kicked off negotiations for our contract with a spirited rally to celebrate our first bargaining session! Today we completed our first bargaining session with Stanford’s administration, where we presented our non-economic contract proposals. They stated a willingness to listen to our demands and negotiate in good faith, and we look forward to holding them to their word. Our next bargaining session is set for Monday, November 6th, where we expect to field questions and possible counter-proposals from Stanford’s administration.

If you would like to follow the bargaining process and how our contract proposals evolve as we negotiate with Stanford, check out our publicly available bargaining tracker.

Solidarity Statement Adopted (2023-11-02)

A 65% majority of SGWU members have voted to adopt a statement of solidarity with Palestinian Trade Unions written by SGWU members. This statement was ratified by majority vote by our membership on November 2, 2023.

Bargaining Platform Ratified (2023-11-02)

With 96% approval, SGWU members approved our proposed Bargaining Language Platform which includes robust independent grievance procedures, expansive nondiscrimination proposals, strong workplace protections, and broad inclusion of grad workers. The platform was ratified on November 2nd, 2023.

SGWU Election Results (2023-11-02)

In this vote, our Bargaining Language Platform was ratified by majority vote by our membership.

In the same ballot, a non-bargaining voting item concerning the adoption of an official SGWU-UE statement in solidarity with Palestinian Trade Unions written by SGWU members was also ratified by majority vote by our membership.

The results of both elections are provided below.

Ballot Item Approve Disapprove
SGWU-UE Language Bargaining Platform Summary 1117 (95.6%) 51 (4.4%)
SGWU-UE Statement of Solidarity with Palestinian Trade Unions 683 (64.9%) 370 (35.1%)

SGWU Bargaining Committee Elected (2023-08-16)

We have concluded our first Bargaining Committee election with 25 graduate workers elected to represent our needs at the bargaining table. Thank you for participating! Your vote is a vital part of the democratic process that empowers our graduate worker community.

Congratulations to our first Bargaining Committee!

NLRB Ratification Election (2023-07-06)

The votes have been counted, and 94% of workers have voted in favor of the union!!! The overwhelming margin of victory in this historic election, 1639 yes to 108 no, shows that we have widespread support for our platform. We are thankful for all conversations that gave gone into this historic labor victory. Our union, SGWU-UE, is enthusiastic to begin bargaining with Stanford for a fair contract, living wages, and a safe, healthy workplace where we can teach and conduct research as effectively as possible.

SGWU Files for NLRB Election (2023-04-26)

Today, we took the next tangible step toward bargaining a union contract—we submitted over 3,000 signed union cards to the NLRB! We are excited about the opportunity to vote yes for our union this spring and ensure we have a voice in our working conditions.