Bargaining Updates
Your elected Bargaining Committee is hard at work negotiating for a strong first contract! See our bargaining updates:
SGWU Contract Ratified - Details and Next Steps
Contract ratified with 86% voting in favor. Help us build our union! Details coming soon on how to join the constitutional committee and interim grievance committee.
Dear Members of SGWU,
We write this morning to announce that the vote on the Tentative Agreement with Stanford has closed and our contract has been ratified with a vote of 1482 in favor and 250 against.This contract was years in the making, building on the efforts of graduate workers who organized and advocated long before the union card campaign began in 2023. Today’s ratification marks the culmination of over a year of bargaining, and marks a historic victory for all of the graduate workers of Stanford University. We are part of a movement that is actively transforming higher education by raising the standards of academic workplaces.
With the contract now ratified, it is our collective responsibility to ensure the enforcement of our contract and put the governance structures in place to establish a strong union that can continue to improve our working conditions and win more victories in the years to come.
Our next step is to establish a Constitutional Committee and an Interim Grievance Committee. The Constitutional Committee is a group of elected rank-and-file union members who will be responsible for drafting the constitution that will govern our local. The interim grievance committee will consist of our existing elected leadership alongside volunteers who will serve as stewards and support colleagues who pursue grievances before formal union leadership is elected and departmental stewards are established.
Details regarding the constitutional committee elections and interim grievance committee will follow in the weeks to come. We invite all members interested in getting involved with these and other roles as we build our union to get in touch and to join our slack through this link.
The victories we have won are a direct result of our collective struggles these past years: our conversations with our colleagues, our voices raised at rallies and in the press, and the countless hours all organizers have spent creating a rank-and-file union that will advocate for all Stanford grad workers. This work will continue, but for now have a restful and restorative Thanksgiving break!
Our Contract Recommendation
Dear graduate workers,
On Tuesday, November 12, at 10 pm the Stanford Graduate Workers Union (SGWU) Bargaining Committee (BC) reached a tentative agreement (TA) on a complete contract with Stanford University administration. We saw significant movement on major issues after thousands of graduate workers stood with each other in solidarity and were prepared to strike. We now bring this TA to our membership for a contract vote. We will be sending more information about ratification later today. We are unanimously recommending ratification (YES) of this TA to the membership.
We have seen sufficient movement on a number of key issues since Friday, November 8 that has warranted bringing Stanford’s current offer to a membership vote. Last week, Stanford broke off bargaining, claiming that they were unable to offer more financial support to graduate workers than an effective raise of 3.38%, because they refused to make the raise effective starting Fall 2024. After a large outpouring of membership support, Stanford agreed to return to the table this week and increased the raise most graduate workers will receive to 4.75% starting Fall 2024, with a range from 4.5-6.78% depending on current salary, setting the minimum stipend for all graduate workers at $54,052 annually. This minimum stipend starting Fall 2025 will be $56,348 and $58,460 by Fall 2026. All rates above the minimum will increase by at least 4% and 3.5% in the later 2 years of the contract. Furthermore, Stanford has now, for the first time ever, published rents for the following two years and ensured that during the duration of the contract our wages will increase by the same or higher percentage than on-campus rents. This is a first for any higher education contract in the United States. We also won the strongest nondiscrimination clauses in private higher education (covering discrimination, harassment, and power abuse); a 5-year funding guarantee the union can hold Stanford accountable to; and financial support for international graduate workers and workers with dependents.
We won groundbreaking improvements on harassment and discrimination protections, including ensuring protections against abusive conduct by supervisors. In all cases of discrimination, harassment, or power abuse, Stanford is now required to allow a union representative to accompany any graduate worker to any investigatory interviews (previously, except when required by federal law, the investigating administrators would be the only ones in the room). For the first time in the nation, graduate workers in Title IX proceedings can request that the Title IX Coordinator or their designee meet with union representatives to figure out more effective supportive measures. These gains give us a very strong non-discrimination article to address long-standing issues on campus. We have also gotten Stanford to write a letter confirming the endowed and thus protected nature of the Weiland Health Initiative, which is especially important given the current political environment.
We also achieved a major victory by obtaining a written agreement via a letter signed by the Provost that allows the union to hold Stanford accountable for their PhD 5-year funding guarantee. For the first time, Stanford has published details of the funding guarantee and publicly states their commitment that no PhD student can have their funding cut off from failure to secure grants or fellowships. Notably, this agreement also allows any PhD student to request a meeting with Stanford to ensure that they either get the funding promised to them or take steps to remedy any academic issues. In either case, our union can assist the student through the process and ensure that Stanford keeps its word. Stanford’s promise of guaranteed funding has often gone unfulfilled, so we are encouraged to see Stanford finally commit to this letter. This agreement applies to all graduate workers, including fellows.
Along with wins in wages and protections, we won other benefits that improve financial security and quality of life for graduate workers at Stanford. Stanford agreed to give the Caltrain GoPass back to graduate students who commute from outside of campus. This program is guaranteed to last for the entire duration of the contract rather than a 2-year pilot program they could cancel if the price changed (their previous offer). This is a significant financial benefit that will save some graduate workers over $2000 per year.
Stanford agreed to give all international PhD workers, including fellows, a one-time lump sum of $1200 to cover visa and other government fees and costs associated with maintaining their legal status. This will apply to current and all future PhD students. Furthermore, Stanford’s Emergency Grant-In-Aid program (which covers all students, including fellows) will cover costs associated with vision, dental, and treatment of chronic medical conditions and mental health conditions. Additionally, Stanford agreed to increase the claim limit from $2500 to $4000 on the Graduate Student Aid fund and the income cap on the family grant to provide additional support for graduate workers with dependents from $125,000 to $150,000.
As with all first contracts, we did not get everything we wanted. We strongly believe we deserve a higher wage than Stanford was willing to agree to, but we also believe that this is the best overall economic package we can secure without a potentially bitter and protracted strike, given their strong reticence on wages. Stanford refused to provide fellows contractual access to the same protections that other graduate workers have through the union grievance process, despite our every effort to secure equal protections for fellows. The reality is that fellows inclusion is legally ambiguous terrain that Stanford dug its heels into. Other UE locals are making impressive post-contract gains for fellows through organizing. So we will continue these fights until they are won. We invite all of you to join us and organize towards these goals.
We have had countless conversations with graduate workers and SGWU organizers, in order to gauge the membership’s willingness to strike for more. In light of these conversations, we unanimously believe that this settlement represents the best deal that our bargaining committee can recommend without a potentially protracted strike. Ultimately, it is up to each of you to make your own decision on the contract. If the members choose to vote the proposed contract down, then the Bargaining Committee is prepared to lead the strike that we will be mandated to take on.
We believe this package realizes transformative gains that will fundamentally improve the conditions of our workplace. We have secured tentative agreements on all of our open issues, including one of the strongest nondiscrimination articles in any graduate worker contract in the nation; a funding guarantee that Stanford can finally be held accountable for; a flexible and well improved leave policy; benefits for international workers; raises that match or outpace rent for the next three years; and significant expansion in aid programs. Equally important, we believe that this settlement provides a sound foundation for building our union so that we can win everything graduate workers are due in the future. All of this was made possible by the immense outpouring of support, community, and solidarity over the last one (1) year and eight (8) days since our first bargaining session with Stanford.
We will provide more details on ratification logistics later today.
Your Bargaining Committee unanimously and strongly endorses a vote of yes to accept this contract. It contains many important victories. With three years to consolidate our position, build our power, and prepare for the next round of bargaining, the fight is only just beginning. An online version of this document can be found here.
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Martín Acosta Parra (he/him) Chemistry
Jason Anderson (he/him) Aeronautics and Astronautics
Jason Beckman (any) East Asian Languages and Cultures
Thom Chaffee (he/him) Geophysics
Fletcher Chapin (he/him) Civil and Environmental Engineering
Emma Cuddy (she/her) Materials Science and Engineering
Nora Enright (she/any) Bioengineering
Chris Gustin (he/him) Applied Physics
Nadine Humphrey (she/they) Chemical Engineering
Sheen Kim (any) Law
Paul Markley (he/him) Biology
Shantanu Nevrekar (he/him) Anthropology
Parth Nobel (he/him) Electrical Engineering
Rory O’Dwyer (he/him) Physics
Suyash Raj (he/him) Stem Cell Biology
Alexa Russo (she/her) Anthropology
Kamila Thompson (she/her) Electrical Engineering
Sophie Jean Walton (she/her) Biophysics
Sofia Di Toro Wyetzner (she/her) Computer Science
David Kai Zhang (he/him) ICME
Article | Summary |
Overall Tentative Agreement | Stipulates that all the contract’s articles will only go into effect if ratified by the union membership |
1 Agreement | This article states the date of the agreement (to be filled in after ratification) and names Stanford University and our union (UE and SGWU–UE Local 1043) as parties to the agreement. |
2 Recognition | In this article, Stanford recognizes the union and its ability to negotiate a contract on behalf of all bargaining unit members. The categories of appointments within the unit are defined. This includes all Ph.D., Master’s (excluding MBA) and J.D. students, including Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, and Course Assistant, and students on fellowship who provide instructional services.The article also outlines positions which are excluded from the bargaining unit. This includes all students on fellowships not providing instructional services, MBA, DMA, JSD, MD, and undergraduate students [including undergraduates who are coterminously enrolled in graduate program]. |
3 Union Security | This article creates an agency shop, establishing that all members of the bargaining unit are required to contribute to the collective bargaining and enforcement of the contract. Graduate workers in the bargaining unit must either join the union and pay union dues—which confers the right to participate as a voting member of the union—or instead pay agency fees. It also allows for union dues to be automatically deducted from one’s paycheck and defines how dues are sent to the local. Agency fees will be set when the membership creates our constitution and cannot exceed union dues. |
4 Union Rights and Access | The union will elect officers and/or stewards who will be allowed to carry out union business without workplace penalties. The union may book meeting spaces, use Stanford email and bulletin boards, and have time at Stanford-wide and departmental orientations. |
5 University Rights | Stanford must give thirty (30) days notice to the union about any policy changes related to work policy and conduct. This article also lays out certain management rights retained by Stanford. |
6 Bargaining Unit Information | The union receives contact information (email, etc.) for incoming and current graduate workers to communicate with them on relevant topics. Graduate workers are able to view their own employment records. The Union agrees to not use this information for any purpose other than internal union administration and communication. |
7 Grievance Procedure | The grievance procedure outlines a process through which graduate workers can file complaints through the union about a grievance, which is defined as a violation of the contract. The article outlines the grievance procedure - the process of resolving a grievance with union representation at a variety of levels. If the grievance is not able to be settled internally, it will proceed to neutral third-party arbitration. |
8 No Strike – No Lockout | During the terms of the contract, the union will not call for a strike and the university will not lock out the union. No member is permitted, for the duration of this contract, to in any concerted way, strike, curtail, slow down, or in other way refuse to perform work for the University, nor encourage others to do so. Doing so is cause for discipline. |
9 Discipline and Discharge | Discipline and discharge introduces definitions for discipline and discharge and implements requirements for just cause, progressive discipline, and advanced notice in disciplinary cases. Academic matters that may impact employment will be handled separately and not through the grievance procedure. This article ensures you cannot be discharged from your appointment without just cause or warning. |
10 Non-Discrimination | There are three categories of prohibited conduct: discrimination and harassment subject to Title IX, other discrimination and harassment based on a protected category, and supervisory abusive conduct. In all cases, Stanford is required to investigate the complaints, provide monthly status reports, allow a union rep to accompany any graduate worker to any interviews and other process issues and meetings. Stanford is also required, if requested, to meet with the complainant and a union rep to discuss how to ensure the graduate worker is properly supported during the investigatory period. In non-Title IX cases, if Stanford has not finished its investigation by the end of 4 months (which can be extended to 6 months for cause), the union can force the case to arbitration. The independent arbitrator is able to hear evidence, come to a conclusion on the facts, and decide what the university has to do to protect and make whole the impacted graduate workers. In Title IX cases, after the process has completed, a case can be taken to arbitration. |
11 Inclusive Work Environment | This article guarantees accommodations for graduate workers with disabilities, religious accommodations, and accommodations for graduate workers who are lactating. The university will work with requesting graduate workers to provide access to gender neutral restrooms, will provide free menstrual products in women’s and all-gender workplace restrooms, and will respond to requests for placing menstrual products in men’s restrooms. There is now a procedure for graduate workers to specify their names and pronoun usage in university online systems and a confidential portal for reporting incorrect name and pronoun usage by university systems. |
12 Health and Safety | This article lays out the responsibilities of both Stanford and the worker for providing workplace health and safety protections. Graduate workers are entitled to a safe working environment. The university will provide necessary training for safe use of laboratory equipment, workplace safety evaluations, compensation for workplace related injuries, and resources for field work safety. Graduate workers can anonymously report hazardous working conditions and will not have to resume work in an unsafe location. |
13 International Graduate Workers | This article outlines the various support mechanisms and protections secured for international graduate workers. These improvements include assurances that Bechtel will respond to requests in a timely manner (within five days for those who are stuck abroad), support and reappointment for those who are unable to return to the USA, guarantees that CPT/OPT shall not be unreasonably denied, and a one-time payment to cover visa fees is included in Tuition and Fees [22]. |
14 Appointment Security | If Stanford cancels your TA/RA/CA position, they must find you a comparable replacement. If they can’t find a comparable replacement, you will be paid as if you still held the canceled position. |
15 Appointment Notification | Two weeks prior to the start of each quarter, you will receive a letter outlining your duties, compensation, and more. Stanford has 6 months to get this system set up. Your compensation, and other things outlined in the letter, cannot be reduced by the University during the quarter. |
16 Appointment Posting | When there is an unfilled opening for a TA/RA/CA position, the University will post these on a new website for grad students to apply. Stanford has 6 months to get this system set up. |
17 Professional Rights | This article recognizes the professional rights that Graduate Workers have in the workplace. This includes latitude to participate in discussions and exercise their professional judgment in how they accomplish their work duties, and access to workspace and materials to perform their duties. Graduate Workers will get reimbursement for travel expenses, materials, and supplies when necessary for their Appointment duties. Graduate workers may also refuse to front the money and alternative payment methods will be used. Graduate workers may elect to use per diem reimbursement to cover meals for work-related travel. Graduate Workers will have the same intellectual property and copyright rights and obligations as facility and staff. Graduate Workers may make a written request to the University to seek information about the source of funding for their Appointment. |
18 Workload | 50% RA/TA/CA positions won’t assign more than an average of 20 hours of work per week. If you have to work more one week, you can work less in a subsequent week. This limit includes training and conferences. You have broad discretion as to when you do your work, except for things that are time sensitive. Work cannot be required to be done on evenings, weekends, or university holidays, except when necessary due to the nature of the work. |
19 Training | This article stipulates that Stanford will provide graduate workers with required training and orientations to fulfill their assigned work duties at no cost to the worker. The graduate workers may suggest further training opportunities that, if approved, will be provided at no additional cost. |
20 Leaves and Time Off | Reasonable requests for time off shall not be unreasonably denied. There are no explicit limits on this amount or the times they can be scheduled. Graduate workers are expected to coordinate with their supervisor in advance when possible and do their best to schedule reasonable time. Pregnant graduate workers will get 3 months of paid leave, normally the quarter they give birth. Stanford eliminated the requirement that you must be in your first 6 years at Stanford to take this leave. Non-birth parents will receive 2 weeks (previously none) time off. This is explicitly separate from personal or other time off (you can be granted this even if your supervisor feels you have used all your vacation). This shall normally occur within 6 months after the arrival of the child. We have been alloted 10 sick days throughout the year (previously we had 3). |
21 Compensation | This article sets wage increases that match or exceed on-campus rent for all graduate workers. The minimum RA/CA stipend has been raised to $54,052 for the 2024-2025 year, $56,348 for the 2025-2026 academic year, and $58,460 for the 2026-2027 academic year. This constitutes a 4.75% first year raise for the majority of graduate workers and 6.75% for those at the current university minimum. Those already making above $52,000 will get a raise of 4.5%. All departments must provide a minimum raise of 4.5% in the first year, 4% in the second, and 3.5% in the third. In the second and third years of the contract, the majority of graduate workers will receive a 4.25% and 3.75% raise, respectively, exceeding rent increases [see R\&DE letter]. A retroactive raise will go to Graduate Workers working in the Autumn quarter of 2024. Hourly rates for the 3 years of the contract are $52/hr, $54/hr, and $56/hr. Other financial benefits provided to graduate students are enshrined here, including an increase in the cash advance to $4000/quarter. (Per Stanford’s guaranteed funding policy [PhD Funding Policy Letter], fellows are provided commensurate compensation to in unit graduate workers with 50% Appointments. The University confirmed this will include the retroactive pay.) |
22 Tuition and Fees | This article provides a one time $1200 payment for international graduate PhD workers, which can help cover visa fees. This applies to current and all future PhD international graduate students. Tuition coverage is also enshrined in this article. As a student benefit, this applies to fellows. |
23 Benefits | Graduate Workers will remain under Cardinal Care, which will remain in place, premium free, for the duration of the contract. The Union will be notified of all material changes to health insurance benefits and The University and The Union shall meet twice a year to discuss concerns. Graduate Workers who are enrolled in Cardinal Care may enroll their dependents on the same terms and conditions as other graduate students. Dependent children shall be eligible for child care services offered by the University. Graduate Workers with dependent children who have an annual household income ≤ $150,000 will be eligible to apply for the Graduate Family Grant. The University will inform the union if it is feasible to set up a dependent-care flexible spending account for Graduate Workers. Graduate Workers shall be eligible to apply for up to $4000 per year in Graduate Student Aid funds. Emergency Grant-In-Aid will remain in place, and now explicitly cover chronic medical and mental health conditions as well as medically necessary expenses including vision and dental expenses. If your application is denied, you will be granted an explanation upon request. The University shall notify the Union 30 calendar days in advance of any proposed change in parking fees to be charged to Graduate Workers. Graduate workers are eligible to serve on the Vaden Student Health Advisory Committee and the Graduate Housing Advisory Committee As student benefits, these apply to fellows. |
24 Severability | This article is standard legal language that states that if one portion of this contract is found to be unlawful then that portion will be null and void, but no other portions of the contract will be affected. |
25 Complete Agreement | The union and Stanford agree that bargaining on mandatory subjects has concluded, and the agreements reached herein cannot be modified without written consent from both the Union and Stanford. |
26 Duration | This article sets the expiration date of the contract as August 31st, 2027, giving it a duration of about 3 years. |
Side Letter A Worker Status | Wage or hour disputes will be resolved through the union grievance procedure, ensuring that the University can continue to not require us to fill out time cards each week. This certifies graduate workers as workers according to the NLRB definition and our national union affiliation. |
Side Letter B Caltrain GoPass Program | This side letter outlines the details of the Caltrain GoPass Program. Within 90 days of ratification, Stanford will provide a Caltrain GoPass to all graduate students who reside outside of ZIP codes 94304, 94305, and 94309. This program will last the duration of the contract unless the student rate is eliminated by Caltrain. As a student benefit, this applies to fellows. |
Letters from Stanford University to The Union While part of our agreement, these do not consist of contractual language | |
Letter | Summary |
Weiland Commitment | This letter serves to confirm that the services provided through the Weiland Health Initiative are supported through endowed funds, specifically to provide services to its LGBTQ community. This means these funds cannot be used for any other purposes and thus will be maintained. |
PhD Funding Policy | This letter from Stanford confirms that enrolled PhD students in good academic standing receive 12 months of continuous funding for the first 5 years of the degree, and links to Stanford’s published policy. If a student experiences funding issues, they may request a meeting, to which they can bring a union representative, to discuss available funding options. The meeting can only be denied if the reason for the lack of funding is due to lack of sufficient academic progress. This should also mean that if academic progress is the cause, graduate students are notified such that they can contest or rectify the situation. The Union will also meet with the University twice each year to discuss any issues related to the implementation of the funding commitment. As a student benefit, this applies to fellows. |
Letter on RD\&E Rent | This letter confirms that the composite average rents will match those listed in the table displayed in the letter (4.25% in 2024-2025, 4% in 2025-2026, and 3.5% in 2026-2027). This is the first time Stanford R\&DE has published more than the current year’s rates. |
Tentative agreement reached, strike averted
Tentative agreement reached, strike averted
Dear Graduate Workers,
We were able to get sufficient movement from Stanford to reach a tentative agreement this evening on a complete contract that we can recommend.
We are thus calling off the strike at this time. We will release the full TA with an explanation of the offer on Wednesday, then the membership will get to vote on the potential contract. We expect the Wednesday communication to also include details on the plan for the contract vote.
Your Bargaining Committee
Strike postponed to Wednesday, Nov 13
Strike postponed to Wednesday, Nov 13
Dear Graduate Workers,
After 14 hours of bargaining today, we have made progress on getting towards a resolution. We are not quite there, but we think it is worthwhile to continue bargaining. Therefore, we will resume bargaining Tuesday, November 12, at 9 am with an expectation that we will either get it done or move forward with the strike. We are postponing the strike for 24 hours until Wednesday November 13 at 10 am. We will update you if we reach a tentative agreement before Wednesday morning.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford Returns to the Bargaining Table
Stanford returns to the bargaining table for a last-minute session after heightened pressure. We hope to come to an agreement on Monday that we can recommend; otherwise the strike will start on Tuesday morning.
Dear Graduate Workers:
After negotiations fell apart last Thursday, our union moved full speed ahead to stop work and begin picketing on Tuesday (sign up for your picket shifts here). After a surge of solidarity – from grad workers, faculty, other workers, undergrads – and media attention, Stanford has agreed to resume negotiations on Monday, November 11.
Our hope is that our meeting will be productive enough to avoid a strike on Tuesday.
If Stanford is willing to meaningfully address the needs and concerns of graduate workers, the Bargaining Committee can follow up with a recommendation tomorrow. If Stanford continues dragging its feet, we will begin the strike on November 12, with picketing starting at 10AM. Sign up for picket shifts here!
The Bargaining Committee will notify everyone as soon as possible if we reach a settlement with the Stanford administration.
We need raises and workplace protections now.
Pictures from today’s strike planning meeting. 🔥
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford breaks off negotiations. Plan to strike.
SGWU started Thursday bargaining with a full counter proposal, including a substantial move on wages, in an attempt to reach a contract. Stanford replied that if the union didn’t agree to their wage proposal, they would not discuss any other issues. There are a number of open issues including non-discrimination and the funding guarantee. We are available on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Stanford declined to set a meeting. Strike is set for Tuesday, November 12th. Picketing starts at 10AM. RSVP here.
Dear Graduate Workers,
Stanford has made it clear that your work and contributions to the University are not worth a living wage. Refusing to acknowledge the affordability crisis graduate workers have struggled with for years, Stanford has indicated that the most they are willing to offer is $53908 (a 4.5% raise for most graduate workers) to match the increase in rent they dictated for this year. This increase is not enough, and we know that we are all worth more than the offer that stands on the table. Stanford can easily afford to do better. Their 37.6 billion dollar endowment grew by over 8% last year.
On Thursday, we presented a full counterproposal (check out the tracker here) that included substantial movement in wages and language that we hoped would pave a path to a contract. However, Stanford responded by refusing to bargain over unresolved issues, until we agreed to their wage rate. They are effectively holding hostage important language and economic issues, including adequate protections against discrimination and abusive conduct.
We have indicated that we are available anytime before Tuesday, even over the weekend, to meet with Stanford. Despite the messaging from Stacy Bent and Jenny Martinez (who have declined to join bargaining themselves), it is in fact Stanford who has refused to set further meetings. Their supposed 4.5% first year wage increase is worth less than <3.5% because they are skipping the Autumn quarter. They tout a 6.5% increase for some; it only applies to 200 people of over 5000. Stanford’s last proposal reads “The University may alter, modify, substitute, or terminate any of its health and medical and dental insurance plans”.
Absent an improved offer from Stanford, they leave us with no choice but to go on strike. We expect everyone to come out to the picket line and to sign up to be a strike or picket captain (we will train you!). You have a legal right to strike, we have a strike hardship fund set up to support those on strike, and you are not alone. Graduate workers will stop all work-related activities and begin picketing Tuesday, November 12th at 10AM. We are fighting for a fair offer from Stanford.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
A message from SGWU to faculty
This message was emailed to a non-exhaustive faculty list. Also, as a clarification, Stanford's current 4.5% offer does not include the Autumn, so it is actually 3.5%.
- Stanford has cut off bargaining.
- Tell Provost Martinez and Vice Provost Bent that you want the university to return to the bargaining table with an improved offer.
- SGWU has proposed many ways to improve graduate worker’s budgets without impacting faculty grants. Stanford refused them all.
- Stanford’s strike advice to faculty poses legal risks. Please read the details below.
- We ask faculty to comply with their legal obligation as supervisors under the National Labor Relations Act and to be neutral with respect to each worker’s decision to strike.
Dear Stanford Faculty,
We, the members of the Stanford Graduate Workers Union (SGWU), are appealing to you personally, as our direct supervisors, to support us in regards to the situation that Stanford has created at the bargaining table. As we write this, Stanford has cut off bargaining. If you, like us, wish to avoid a strike please contact Provost Martinez and Vice Provost Bent asking them to come to the bargaining table with an improved offer.
Stanford graduate students elected to have a union in June 2023, just as other students at peer institutions like U Chicago, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Northwestern, and MIT have. Our economic position is a direct response to the pressures created by the cost of living in the Bay Area. Stanford loses talent and productivity because of the way our wages fail to keep up with the cost of living. Stanford’s expenses survey shows that many PhD graduate workers work second jobs, stretch their food budget, and defer medical care. Their analysis justifying their current wage offer, among other issues, arbitrarily removes $10k from the transportation budgets found in the third-party cost-of-living analysis they cite. In addition, Stanford has refused to agree to basic protections against discrimination and harassment. Lastly, Stanford is avoiding an enforcement mechanism for the Provost’s 5-year 12-month funding guarantee.
SGWU called for a membership vote on Stanford’s October 28th proposal and the members overwhelmingly voted it down, with 94% voting “no.” Stanford continues to propose a raise for PhDs that barely covers the on-campus rent increases. SGWU has tried to minimize the contract’s effect on faculty budgets. We proposed rent decreases and freezes, tax-fringe benefits allowing tax savings for graduate workers, passing summer and TGR tuition savings to graduate workers, or otherwise removing/modifying tuition overhead charges like Princeton did. Stanford refused to discuss some and rejected the rest. Our most recent benefits proposal and wage proposal are publicly available.
We have made significant progress at the bargaining table since negotiations began last year and have reached a number of tentative agreements with Stanford. Yet on Thursday, November 7th, Jenny Martinez and Stacey Bent (neither of whom have ever attended bargaining) authored a post to the Stanford Report that we consider mischaracterizations. We have indicated that we are available anytime before Tuesday, even over the weekend, to meet with Stanford. Stanford has declined to schedule any meetings. Their supposed 4.5% first year wage increase is worth less than 3.5% because they are skipping the Autumn quarter. They tout a 6.5% increase for some; it only applies to 200 people of over 5000. Despite touting “expanded benefits”, Stanford’s last proposal reads “The University may alter, modify, substitute, or terminate any of its health and medical and dental insurance plans”.
We are still eager to work with the administration to finish these negotiations. On the morning of November 7th, in a good-faith effort to reach a settlement, we delivered several revised proposals. Stanford has not responded to any of them.
Our strike is not directed at our advisors, at our students, or at our academic relationships. Ultimately, only the Stanford administration—the provost, president, and the board of trustees—can resolve the demands from thousands of graduate students for fair compensation, protections against discrimination and harassment, and guaranteed funding. The administration will likely pressure faculty to discipline their students, which will threaten the academic integrity of mentor-mentee relationships. We believe that the best way for faculty to navigate these pressures is to commit to a neutral stance. That is, to continue to be academics and mentors, and not become managers that seek to crack down on employees’ rights.We have concerns that Stanford admin is taking legally indefensible positions to try and encourage faculty and students to break the law. First, their guidance claims that students must continue 20 hours/week of academic work. However, according to Stanford’s own contingency plan regarding employment and academic work, “for many PhD students it is impossible to fully separate the two.” According to the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), a “partial strike” or ceasing to only perform certain duties as opposed to a full work stoppage, is not protected activity. As a result, if we were to perform duties that encompass both academics and employment (e.g., attending group meetings), we would risk performing an illegal strike. For their own legal protection, we recommend graduate workers limit their academic work during the strike to that which is clearly not employment related.
As another legal miscommunication, while it is true that fellows are not currently included in the bargaining unit, NLRB Case No. 01-RC-304042 (MIT) invites “filing a new petition seeking to represent particular subclassifications of graduate fellows who are statutory employees … under the common-law standard set forth in Columbia University”. Since fellows at Stanford perform instructional and/or research duties, it is clear that they meet the Columbia standard. The fellows striking would fall under “protected concerted activity” and be legally guaranteed freedom from retaliation by their employer.
Faculty hold a position of respect and power in the lives of graduate workers. A faculty commitment to neutrality allows graduate workers to decide for themselves whether to strike without concerns about their academic progress or their relationship with their faculty mentors. We call on faculty to avoid, even if unintentional, the appearance of coercion or retaliation during the escalation towards a strike. We urge faculty, regardless of their stance on unionization, to commit themselves to neutrality in their treatment of graduate workers in the event of a strike.
If you feel comfortable doing so, please sign the Faculty Neutrality Pledge. To support vulnerable workers, we are accepting donations to our strike fund here.
Please contact Provost Martinez and Vice Provost Bent asking them to present an improved offer to help us avoid a strike.
Thank you,
SGWU Bargaining Committee
Strike Authorized; Bargaining Continues
Our members have voted 94% in favor of rejecting Stanford’s offer and ~90% in favor of striking. Stanford moved on raises, but it’s still not enough. They have until November 12 to avoid a strike. Major: Stanford published the rent increases for the next two years, for the first time ever. We have effectively ensured that rent increases can’t exceed our wage increases! You have a legal right to strike for almost all jobs at Stanford (including fellows and hourly work). Check out our guidance on graduate workers’ legal right to strike.
Dear Graduate Workers,
Last night the votes came in with a resounding rejection of Stanford’s proposed contract, and strong support for a strike if necessary. Stanford’s proposed contract was rejected by a 94.0% vote with 2,333 graduate workers voting. 89.3% voted to authorize a strike, with 2,317 total votes.
It’s clear that Stanford is feeling the pressure of the thousands of graduate workers who have pledged to strike: yesterday morning, they offered a new wage proposal that would increase the minimum salary to $53,908, with a 4.5% increase for most graduate employees in the first year. This proposal is still not nearly enough for us given the pressure of rising rents and cost of living in one of the most expensive places in the country and the world. We need an immediate and substantial raise in the first year of the contract. Graduate workers have made this perfectly clear with the overwhelming threshold they voted in favor of the strike authorization.
While there is still ground to cover on wages, Stanford made a historic move with respect to rent: RD\&E has, for the first time ever, published on-campus rents for the next two years (Stanford’s expected duration of the contract). This is a huge win, because now we can effectively ensure that our compensation outpaces the cost of rent. We also reached a tentative agreement on two articles in yesterday’s session. But this is still not enough, and if Stanford can not come to the table with a fair offer next week, we’re going to strike for the pay and protections we deserve.
If Stanford does not make serious movement, most importantly on the first year wage increase, nondiscrimination, benefits, and guaranteed funding, the BC is authorized to call a strike beginning on Tuesday, November 12. This is not a decision made lightly. Talk to your friends. Talk to your coworkers. Talk to your organizers about the strike. Organizing details will be sent later today.
Finally, all graduate student workers have a legal right to strike. This includes fellows, international workers, and graduate workers on hourly wages working on every job paid by Stanford. Read our guidance on graduate workers’ legal right to strike for more details.
In Solidarity
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford Struggles with the Concerns of Graduate Workers. Strike Authorization Vote and Contract Vote Now Open\!
Stanford stalled again. We reiterated our strike date of November 12th. The strike authorization vote and contract vote ballot has been sent to all those who have filled out a union card. We will send an OpaVote ballot to those who sign up this and next week. Sign up for picket captain training here to help lead the picket line. The strike pledge remains open and we encourage everyone to sign their pledge so we know who to expect at the picket line.
Dear Graduate Workers,
Stanford stalled again on Thursday. There’s so much stalling you’d think they’re just learning how to drive stick. But it’s not clear if the stalling is a tactic, as it clearly has been at times over the past months, or if it is now due to a fundamental (and sad!) lack of understanding on their part of the current wage structure for Stanford grad workers. For example, they are proud of the 5% wage increase that they offered to some of us in their last proposal, the one we’re all voting on. But it has become clear that they were oblivious to the fact that this raise would go to less than 200 graduate workers, who are currently paid the university minimum. 5% isn’t enough for anyone, and it’s certainly hard to believe they provided a serious offer when most grad workers would only get a 2 to 3% raise.
The silver lining in our discussions with Stanford on Thursday is that they are aware a big deadline is looming and are feeling the pressure. They will meet with us next week to hammer out our remaining language issues, after which we’ll try to reach a resolution on wages. November 12 is rapidly approaching and Stanford needs to put a proposal on the table that graduate workers need and deserve.
But the offer they have out now is not that. As a reminder, the Bargaining Committee strongly recommends that all graduate workers vote “NO” on Stanford’s proposal and “YES” to call for authorizing a strike. If the strike authorization vote passes with a majority, we will initiate the strike on November 12. Hundreds of graduate workers came to the membership meeting on Wednesday, and the current pace of incoming votes has outstripped the pace of strike pledges when we launched them a month back. We understand how important and urgent this moment is: we need real raises now! Join your coworkers in this critical vote.
If you have signed a membership card, your ballot was sent out on Wednesday, October 30th from OpaVote and will be available until 11:59 PM on November 6th. If you didn’t receive a ballot, you may need to fill out a current membership card here to vote. We will send you a ballot within a day after signing up. If you have not received a ballot, check your spam folder or reach out to for help.
We are preparing for the possibility of a strike. We have established a strike fund and are recruiting volunteers from every department to help with the strike. Sign up to be a picket captain and read a detailed description of the role here. In addition, the strike pledge remains open and we still want you to help spread the pledge out to everyone; it’s how we know who we can count on during the strike.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Membership Meeting Recap and Slides; Contract and Strike Authorization Vote Now
Dear Stanford grad workers,
Last night’s membership meeting was an energizing show of solidarity! Hundreds of graduate workers showed up in the room and on Zoom, discussed the state of negotiations, and asked questions about the potential escalation toward a strike. If you were unable to attend, here are the slides!
The Bargaining Committee unanimously recommends that members vote NO on Stanford’s current offer and vote YES to authorize a strike.
Ballots with these two questions have gone out and voting will remain open through Wednesday Nov 6—check your email for a ballot from OpaVote. Didn’t receive a ballot? Check your spam folder and make sure that you have signed your union card; new ballots will be sent out daily to all new card signers.
If you have any questions regarding how best to strike in your situation we will have zoom strike office hours from 5PM-8PM on Friday 11/1.
If you have not signed up to volunteer for the strike itself, take a second and do so now. Winning a great contract takes each and every one of us to participate.
The strike pledge is still live and will remain so until the strike commences. Join thousands of your coworkers and add your name here.
Stanford reached out to us shortly before last night’s meeting and asked to continue bargaining this morning at 10:30AM. Let’s keep showing the admin that we are a united group of workers thousands strong who will stand up for the raises and protections we all deserve.
In solidarity,
SGWU Bargaining Committee
Important information on your ballot
Graduate workers,
Please read through this email carefully: it contains important information about the potential upcoming strike and your rights in the contract and strike authorization vote beginning today.
On Monday, Stanford offered an inadequate contract containing raises of only 2-3% (effective pay cut) for the overwhelming majority of us, and failures in numerous other areas of crucial importance to graduate workers. We are putting up this contract to a “yes” or “no” no vote by the union membership, simultaneously holding a “yes” or “no” vote on authorizing the bargaining committee to call a strike if necessary.
The bargaining committee unanimously and strongly recommends you vote no on the contract [see our full recommendation here], and yes to authorize a strike.
You are eligible to vote in this election if you are a graduate student (excluding co-terms and MBAs) who meets any of the following criteria:
- You have worked as a research, teaching, or course assistant (or equivalent position) at any point since the Fall 2023-2024 quarter at Stanford.
- You are a fellow conducting research or teaching.
To receive a ballot, you must become a union member by signing a union card at if you have not yet done so. We urge you to do this ASAP, but ballots will be sent out throughout the election to any eligible voter who signs a card.
If you meet the above criteria, you will receive your ballot today via OpaVote, with the email subject “OpaVote Voting Link”. The election will close at the end of Wednesday, November 6. Reach out to if you have not received a ballot by 11:59 pm today. Please read our Contract Vote and Strike Authorization Vote FAQ for further information.
In our Emergency Membership Meeting at 7pm today (Wed. Oct 30) in EVGR C Room 134 [RSVP here] you will be able to ask questions and find out more information on the vote and upcoming potential strike.
We strongly encourage everyone to participate in this election. Strong turnout leads to further pressure on Stanford at the bargaining table to offer us a fair contract; Stanford can still avert a strike at any point by offering us what we deserve, and your bargaining committee will continue to meet with Stanford throughout this process.
If you have any questions or concerns about striking, please read our strike FAQ [short and long]. Reach out to us at if your question remains unanswered. We will send further information in the coming days on the logistics of a strike.
Solidarity always,
Your Bargaining Committee
Strike Authorization Vote opens Wednesday October 30th
A majority of graduate workers have pledged to strike. Stanford’s latest contract offer contains wage increases of only 2-3% in the first year for the vast majority of graduate workers, and insufficient benefits. We are putting this contract up to a vote by our membership. Our bargaining committee unanimously recommends you vote NO on this contract. Simultaneously, we are holding a Strike Authorization Vote. If a majority vote to authorize a strike, the strike will begin on November 12. At any point, Stanford can avert a strike by offering us a fair contract. Polls open on Wednesday. Come to your Emergency Membership Meeting to learn more.
Graduate Workers,
We met with Stanford today in an attempt to reach a resolution before the start of the strike authorization vote, opening Wednesday. Stanford provided a revised offer today which we will submit to you for a vote to approve or reject. Your bargaining committee’s unanimous recommendation is that you vote NO on this contract proposal, as it completely fails to satisfy the economic needs of Stanford graduate workers.
On wages, Stanford made very minor movements on their previous offer of a 4% base rate increase with nothing for everyone making more than the base value. They have now offered a 5% base rate increase while ensuring a minimum 2% increase for all graduate workers above the minimum. For almost all PhDs, this will result in only a 2-3% raise, which is unacceptable. In addition, their offer for the second and third year of our contract still does not include any protections against on-campus rent increases that outpace our stipends.
As a result of our rising strike threat, Stanford’s proposal contained some improved benefits. They moved on our proposal to allow the Emergency Grant-in-Aid to cover costs incurred from chronic medical and mental health conditions. They raised the claim limit on the Graduate Student Aid Fund from $2500 to $4,000, and the income cap for the family grant from $120,000 to $150,000. Their offer also provides a $1000 one-time payment to all current and incoming graduate workers on F1 and J1 visas. This is a substantial improvement over their previous offer but still insufficient to cover the costs that international workers actually incur through the course of their PhDs.
An absolute majority of graduate workers at Stanford have now pledged to strike if necessary for a fair contract. Thus, at the same time we present Stanford’s proposed contract to the membership for a vote, we will proceed with a strike authorization vote. Your bargaining committee unanimously recommends you vote YES to authorize a strike if necessary.
The strike will begin November 12th if a majority vote yes in the strike authorization vote. Stanford can avert this strike at any point by offering us a fair contract which we can recommend to the membership for a ratification vote.
If you have any questions, come to our Emergency Membership Meeting this Wednesday at 7PM in EVGR C 134 to learn more about why we want you to vote “NO” on accepting this contract and “YES” on the strike authorization vote. RSVP here for the meeting. You can submit any questions that you have about striking to this form.
We’re having more discussions with Stanford tomorrow to see if it’s possible to get an offer that we can recommend at this time. If so, we’ll keep you posted.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford fails to deliver; strike vote next week
Stanford failed to make a fair contract proposal by today's deadline. Strike authorization vote starts next Wednesday, October 30th, absent a fair proposal before then. To be eligible to vote on this, you must sign up to be a member. Keep the pressure up on Stanford by getting your friends and labmates to sign the strike pledge in advance of the official vote. Fellows are graduate workers and should sign the strike pledge and participate in the vote.
Fellow Graduate Workers,
Stanford has failed to meet our October 24 deadline.
During three days of intense negotiations, we have had productive discussions on possible ways to resolve many of the remaining issues, allowing us to narrow our focus to the core issue of wages. This is the result of the leverage of 2300 strike pledges (with the number accelerating daily), showing Stanford that their failures at the table risk grinding campus functions to a halt. However, Stanford has still failed to make sufficient movement on wages. The longer Stanford stalls, the longer our members go without needed and deserved raises and protections.
Because Stanford has continued to stall on offering us a good wage increase, we are moving ahead with a two-item membership vote: (1) voting on Stanford’s offer (2) voting on authorizing a strike. This vote will run from Wednesday, October 30, 2024 to Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
All graduate workers who have signed a union card will be eligible to vote and receive a private, secure ballot by email. If you have not signed a union card and wish to vote in the strike authorization vote you should sign your card here.
While Stanford was unprepared to make a reasonable offer today, they asked for an opportunity to provide an improved offer this coming Monday and we have agreed to meet with them then. If they provide a new proposal, we will vote on that offer. Otherwise, we will vote on their offer currently on the table which amounts to an effective wage cut for everyone.
If Stanford makes an offer that addresses our needs on wages, nondiscrimination protections, guaranteed funding, and improved benefits, we will be able to reach an agreement that the Bargaining Committee can recommend to the membership to approve. If not, we will be voting on their last offer and on authorizing a strike.
If the Strike Authorization Vote is approved, the Bargaining Committee will be authorized to schedule a strike at the most effective time after the vote ends; we will do so if it becomes clear there is no other way to meet the needs of the membership. If Stanford forces us to strike, thousands of us will be on the picket lines and have each other’s backs.
Now is the time to reach out to your remaining friends and colleagues to tell them why you are prepared to go on strike and ask them to pledge to strike at We have been receiving more and more pledges every passing day, and we need you to continue this momentum by helping to get all grad workers to sign the pledge.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford makes considerable movement, but has a long way to go. Keep that pressure up on Stanford - Sign the strike pledge!
There is less than ONE WEEK left before our contract deadline of Oct. 24; If you have already pledged, talk to your friends, coworkers and labmates about pledging!
Answering the three most common questions:
- The names on the pledge will not be shared with Stanford
- Fellows can and should sign the pledge!
- The strike pledge is different from the Rally RSVP. You still need to pledge even if you RSVPd for the rally.
Fellow Graduate Workers,
Stanford moved considerably in bargaining on Friday because of the pressure we placed on them collectively. The strike pledge works; the movement Stanford made on Friday proves it.
As we wrote last week, financial support for international grad workers is crucial. Yesterday Stanford moved, offering a lump sum payment of $500 to cover visa and related costs for all on F-1 and J-1 student visas. While a move in the right direction, this is nowhere near covering the additional costs associated with being an international grad worker. In 2022, MIT provided $1200 to all international grad workers in its contract. Given the increased costs of visas and travel over the last two years, we think our international grad workers deserve more.
Further, we’ve secured a significant win with respect to time off protections: contract language stating there can be no unreasonable denial of any requested time off. Stanford also agreed to end a policy that limited paid pregnancy leave to the first 6 years of your program after we demanded the removal of this arbitrary time limit.
Stanford’s movements this week are a testament to the strength of our collective power. But there is a long way to go.
After several weeks, Stanford gave us back nondiscrimination; they’ve made little movement. They still do not offer protections against bullying and harassment in the contract. They expect a grad worker who files a sexual discrimination case to wait six to nine months, or longer, for Stanford’s internal investigation to complete before using the union grievance process.
Most importantly, Stanford offered no improvement yet on wages. Their offer is still an effective pay cut with just a 4% increase next year, while they raise campus rents by 4.5%.
We know Stanford feels pressured by their graduate workers. They have even added another bargaining date next Wednesday, right before the deadline of the 24th. But to get the contract we all deserve, we’re going to need maximum support from all graduate workers to really move the university on all of our remaining issues.
We need you to heighten that pressure on Stanford. If you haven’t already signed the strike pledge, now is the time to sign it, and get your coworkers, labmates, and friends to sign it too.
In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee
We reached three new TAs; let’s keep up the pressure
We have 3 new tentative agreements (TAs) on contract articles – Union rights, university rights, and union security! We still have a long way to go on economics; we encourage all graduate workers to sign the [strike pledge]( to escalate the pressure on Stanford to settle a fair contract. Fellows can and should sign the strike pledge; see our FAQ for more. Come to our union social Wednesday at 6PM in the EVGR B-C courtyard for food, drinks, and a great time!
Graduate Workers,
Yesterday, we reached three tentative agreements on contract articles: union rights and access, union security, and university rights. These agreements are the foundation of the union’s protections for its graduate workers. With them, once we’ve ratified a contract, your union will have the necessary resources, access, and tools to support you as an employee throughout your time here at Stanford. These are strong agreements that build upon similar contract articles that our sister unions have won.
With an October 24 deadline in sight and the imminent threat of graduate workers withholding their labor, Stanford has hastened its pace in coming to a fair resolution of many of the outstanding language articles we are negotiating over. We need that pace to be matched on economics, to get an immediate and substantial raise in the pocket of every graduate worker as soon as possible — our most powerful tool to this end is majority participation on the strike pledge.
Here’s the general breakdown of the articles we reached TAs on: Union rights and access ensures that the union will be able to operate on campus to enforce the contract and engage its members. Union security ensures all contribute equally to our union so we can continue to fight for additional improvements in our working conditions and compensation. Lastly, University rights is a standard contract article outlining management rights the employer retains – crucially, we have negotiated in this article a requirement that Stanford must give advance notice and consult with union representatives about any policy changes that directly affect your work, and that these changes must be reasonable.
We are pleased to get these articles off the table so we can focus on economics and the other remaining language issues, like nondiscrimination. We urge you to talk with your labmates, colleagues, and friends about striking, and encourage them to sign the strike pledge. Come to our Contract Action Team (CAT) meetings at 6 pm Thursdays in the Mitchell Earth Sciences conference room to join the effort and join our Slack.
For a more relaxed atmosphere, we invite you all to come to our social at 6PM in the EVGR B-C courtyard tomorrow, Wednesday, for food, drinks, and a relaxed space to talk about the issues that matter most to you.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford has a responsibility to offer financial support to International Grad Workers
Dear Graduate Workers,
A key reason that Stanford continues to be a prestigious educational institution is its ability to attract international graduate workers who make cutting-edge contributions in research and teaching. All graduate workers, whether domestic or international, bring their own unique but equally useful skills, talents, and ideas to their experience at Stanford. However, the costs that international graduate workers incur in coming to Stanford are exceptionally large. Coupled with the emotional toll of leaving their homes, international graduate workers have to incur high financial costs to obtain documents like visas, I-20s, and for the travel required to arrange these documents before they even set foot on Stanford’s campus. These costs continue to pile up with every additional visa renewal and change in any document required to maintain legal status in the United States.
Thus, the costs of coming to Stanford and living here are not the same for domestic and international graduate workers. However, Stanford benefits equally from the work of all our workers, domestic or international. The SGWU believes that Stanford has a responsibility to offer financial support to international graduate workers towards covering these administrative costs of maintaining legal status in the United States. This will ensure greater equity as these costs are specifically incurred by international graduate workers. Further, this will also encourage greater diversity among international graduate workers, as those who don’t have the means to cover these costs - disproportionately women, workers with families, first generation graduate workers, and underrepresented minorities - will not be left to fend for themselves.
What we ask is not unprecedented. The contract of MIT with our sister union representing its graduate workers offers the provision of a $1,200 lump-sum to all international graduate workers which is intended to pay for various fees and costs associated with their international status in the United States. Stanford has adequate financial capacity to provide this for all its international graduate workers at negligible cost to its operating budget, but to great benefit for. international graduate workers to mitigate their financial costs.
The SGWU has consistently advocated for enhanced benefits for international graduate workers. In our article on International Graduate Workers, we signed a tentative agreement earlier this year, which offers time off without loss of pay to attend visa and other immigration procedures, and a guaranteed response time from Bechtel. We are now pushing at the bargaining table for the financial support needed to level the playing field for international graduate workers. We urge you to sign the strike pledge and support our efforts at the bargaining table. All international graduate workers are protected in their rights to strike, and to exercise all other labor rights, at the same level as domestic graduate workers. If you have questions about what a strike means for you, do read these FAQs (short and long) and feel free to get in touch with your Department Organizer or BC Representative with any questions you have! Come to our CAT meetings every Thursday at 6pm in the Mitchell Earth Sciences building to be a part of the discussions of how we can continue increasing pressure on Stanford.
In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford’s Unforgivable Stance on Discrimination, Harassment, and Abusive Conduct
Stanford Graduate Workers,
The main non-economic issue that remains in negotiation is about how to provide recourse for grad workers when they experience discrimination, harassment, and abusive conduct.
In winter 2024, Stanford allowed a faculty to teach undergrads after numerous sexual harassment complaints against him, including kissing a student. Just this summer, it became public that a dean at Stanford who had been in a relationship with a student had been allowed to resign without any consequences when the affair became known within the administration. Every administrator aware at the time seems to have kept this sordid history a secret during the former dean’s successful 13-year political career. And yet, Stanford believes that their deans should have complete control over the investigation of and response to abusive conduct at Stanford.
Power abuse and bullying has severely impacted the working conditions of graduate workers for years. The lack of oversight around the advisor-advisee relationship can easily create situations where graduate workers are mistreated.
Stanford believes that their widely criticized internal processes should be allowed to run for as long as they take before there is any opportunity for outside resolution. They shy away from accountability or any kind of transparency, even to the individual affected. Stanford’s message to graduate workers who experience discrimination, harassment, and abusive conduct: “trust us.”
This university’s long history of protecting bad actors has eliminated that trust. SGWU’s proposal will build the safeguards necessary for workers to trust that the broken system will work for them and that if it doesn’t they’ll have alternatives. Some of the primary safeguards that we are fighting for include timely resolution, outside accountability, and support and guidance through the process.
The primary goal of the union grievance procedure will be to provide recourse for the impacted worker, and ensure that they are in a safer environment moving forward. Many of Stanford’s processes, on the other hand, often function to shield Stanford from liability, and too frequently focus more on determining what to do with the perpetrator than what it will take to support and protect the victim.
The current disagreements between Stanford and SGWU’s proposals boil down to the following:
- SGWU believes that impacted graduate workers should be able to have a union representative accompany and support them during any investigatory meeting or interview Stanford holds.
- Stanford seems to believe that their investigators should be allowed to interrogate impacted graduate workers alone, except when the federal government requires them to allow accompaniment in Title IX cases.
- SGWU believes that Stanford should provide regular updates on an investigation, and if the impacted worker and the union are unsatisfied with the investigation’s progress, they should have access to third-party arbitration to decide what needs to be done so the worker is safe and able to continue with their work in a timely fashion.
- Stanford seems to believe that impacted workers should be allowed to request a status update every two months (60 days) [with no guarantee Stanford will reply], and that at most one meeting should happen before Stanford finishes their investigation to address on-going worker safety.
- SGWU believes that the third-party arbitrator should be allowed to hear all the evidence and come to a conclusion on the facts and what to do about them.
- Stanford seems to believe that the arbitrator should accept all facts presented by the University and only decide what would be appropriate given those facts, and only so long as they do not disagree with the University’s conclusion.
- SGWU believes that abusive conduct is unacceptable and should be treated the same as discrimination based on protected categories.
- Stanford seems to believes that abusive conduct should only be reported if it was conducted by a direct supervisor who is a Stanford employee (e.g. excluding outside collaborators and most consulting professors) and that the dean who hears the report should have complete discretion on whether to investigate, whether to take action, and whether to facilitate retaliation for the report.
For nearly a year Stanford refused to allow anything that could fall under Title IX such as sexual harassment or gender based discrimination from being grievable through the union, despite Stanford’s own atrocious reputation on these fronts (see the articles linked above). Only recently did Stanford agree to include Title IX cases but only in the limited manner stated above. We have more details of these proposals below the signature.
We have only four more bargaining dates with Stanford, after which we will ratify a contract or authorize a strike. A strike is not inevitable, but we are prepared to take this step in order to win the protections we deserve. To show Stanford that we need union protections against harassment and discrimination join over 1500 of your coworkers to demand that Stanford agree to SGWU’s proposal on discrimination, harassment, and abusive conduct, sign a strike pledge at We want to be clear that your right to strike is protected and retaliation for striking is illegal. Talk to your colleagues, SGWU department organizers, and/or bargaining committee members to figure out how best to prepare in advance so that you can participate in a strike. For more answers to commonly asked questions, read our strike FAQ.
Your Bargaining Committee
Comparison of Proposals:
On Wednesday, SGWU reiterated our last proposal (available here) of:
- When the Union alerts Stanford about a graduate worker experiencing discrimination or harassment based upon a protected category or abusive conduct (which includes bullying, frequent deadnaming, and power abuse), Stanford has to promptly begin its investigation.
- Stanford must provide the union and the graduate worker, if they request it, updates every 15 days on the investigation and subsequent processes.
- The Union, Stanford, and optionally the affected graduate worker will meet to discuss interim measures to ensure the graduate worker is in a safe environment.
- Impacted graduate workers will be able to have a union representative accompany them to any meetings with the university’s investigators.
- If the Union and the graduate worker feel the University’s investigation is failing to make timely progress or disagree with its conclusions, the Union can require
- the Dean and Department chair to meet with the Union to discuss the facts and how to ensure the graduate worker’s future safety and how to correct the injury done to the graduate worker, and/or
- the Vice Provost of Graduate Education (VPGE) to meet with the Union to discuss the facts and how to ensure the graduate worker’s future safety and how to correct the injury done to the graduate worker.
- If the Union and the graduate worker finds the outcome of meeting with the Dean’s office and the VPGE’s office unsatisfactory, the Union and the University will present their cases to a mutually-selected arbitrator.
- The arbitrator then gets to decide from the evidence the facts and can order Stanford to take measures that keep the graduate worker safe and to compensate the graduate worker for the harm done.
- The arbitrator is unable to require the University to punish anyone, as is the standard in labor contract enforcement.
This system is substantially more complicated than our original proposal, but it represents our best efforts to reach a compromise with Stanford’s administration.
Stanford’s last proposal is available here. Here is our summary of it:
- When the Union alerts Stanford about a graduate worker experiencing discrimination or harassment based upon a protected category, Stanford may begin an investigation at its leisure.
- During their investigation, Stanford will provide updates to the graduate worker, if they request it, every 60 days.
- Impacted graduate workers cannot have anyone accompany them to any meetings, unless the discrimination or harassment was sexual harassment.
- During the investigation, for sexual harassment cases, Stanford will consider a single written request submitted in 10 days proposing amendments to any intermediate supportive measures.
- During other investigations, Stanford will have a single meeting with the Graduate Worker and the Union to discuss interim support.
- If/when Stanford says they have finished their investigations, and if/when the graduate worker and the perpetrator of the discrimination or harassment has pursued all avenues in the internal processes of Stanford, the Union may meet with the Vice Provost of Graduate Education to ask for a change in the remedy provided to the graduate worker.
- If the Union finds the VPGE’s response unsatisfactory, the Union and the University may present their cases to an arbitrator exclusively on the question of remedies.
- The arbitrator is not allowed to disagree with the University on factual matters. This runs counter to almost all aspects of labor contract enforcement.
- The arbitrator is unable to require the University to punish anyone, as is the standard in labor contract enforcement.
- The arbitrator may decide that support provided during the investigation was insufficient. It is unclear what that is meant to do since Stanford requires the investigation to have finished before the arbitrator decides.
- If a graduate worker experiences abusive conduct conducted by a Stanford employee with supervisory duties (so outside collaborators, consulting professors, and faculty who do not directly oversee the graduate worker are not covered), the graduate worker and a union representative may tell the relevant dean.
- The dean is free to ignore the complaint.
- The dean is free to notify the accused supervisor so they have the opportunity to retaliate.
- There is no notice provided to anyone about what the dean decides.
- There is no opportunity for further conversations with any decision maker.
- There is no third-party arbitrator to settle irreconcilable disagreements between the Union and the dean.
Stanford has a deadline to propose a good contract; **Sign the Strike Pledge, and learn how to talk to your coworkers about it**
Over 1500 graduate workers signed the strike pledge less than a week after our rally, but we’re not done yet! Talk to your coworkers about it and get more people signing! Not sure how to start the conversation? Come to a training session that will help you do just that. Money issues because of Stanford’s late pay schedule? Be aware of the cash advance program. We gave Stanford a deadline to put their best offer on the table - October 24th. We had substantial discussion around where we can go on economics and other outstanding language issues.
Fellow Graduate Workers,
Over 1500 graduate workers have already signed the strike pledge. If we want to win a strong contract, we need you to talk to your labmates, coworkers, and friends about why they should sign the Strike Pledge. If you want to learn about how to start having these conversations, attend an upcoming Strike Pledge Training; RSVP here.
Stanford has structured their payroll calendar so the first paycheck of the Fall quarter for graduate workers transitioning off a fellowship or returning from an internship is on October 22nd. If your budget is strained by this delay, be aware that Stanford offers no-interest loans to grad workers who have through the cash advance. The program is described here and is accessed through Axess. Stanford has agreed to raise the maximum cash advance to $4,000 when our contract is implemented, and we continue to call for it to be set to one month’s salary so that it scales with time.
On Wednesday we gave Stanford a deadline: October 24th. Stanford agreed that over our next four sessions on the 14th, 18th, 22nd, and 24th, they will continue to negotiate and put their best offer on the table on the last day we meet. And we’ll take that offer straight to you with a recommendation. Our ability to give Stanford this deadline is because of your participation in the rally last week and your ongoing participation in the strike pledge. However, we still need to build up pressure on Stanford and the way we will do that is by continuing the conversation on the strike.
We discussed at length with Stanford on Wednesday where their economic package needs to move to reach a deal. SGWU has made a lot of progress in narrowing the gap on our remaining language issues, and is committed to winning what matters most to you – a living wage, a workplace free of harassment and discrimination, a funding guarantee, and improved benefits!
Additionally, we have published our Faculty FAQ to address the questions we are getting most often from faculty. Please feel free to share this document if a faculty asks you questions about why we are pledging to strike.
But the strength of our bargaining position depends on the participation of all of you. We are depending on workers like you to talk to your coworkers. Our strength at the table and the ability to win the contract we deserve depends on workers like you talking to your labmates about the strike pledge. We need you to help us, and we are here to help you with how to have a conversation around striking. Come to our CAT meetings every Thursday at 6pm in the Mitchell Earth Sciences building to be a part of the discussions of how we can continue putting pressure on Stanford.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Enforceable Guaranteed Funding - Pledge to Strike
We are back to the bargaining table on Wednesday! Sign the strike pledge so we can bargain from the strongest position possible.
Today’s newsletter is about a key component of our strike pledge: enforceable guaranteed year-round funding for at least five years. This is a key issue affecting many graduate workers, a fundamental requirement for us to work and learn, and an area that graduate unions across the US have won language about in their contracts.
Although Stanford already claims to have a 5-year funding guarantee for PhDs, the process behind the enforcement of the guarantee is opaque, arbitrary, and clearly broken. Stanford has attested to us at the table that when a graduate worker has an issue with an advisor not having funding, the department, school, and VPGE are all supposed to work “flawlessly behind the scenes” to ensure the graduate worker obtains their funding.
It should not surprise many of you to know that this process does not work flawlessly behind the scenes, and it’s not even clear the process works at all. Over the course of this campaign, graduate workers have submitted testimonials about being denied this funding, kicked out of a research group due to a lack of advisor funds, or forced to leave the program after grants they applied to were not approved (something Stanford claims should never happen). We need a guarantee, which includes recourse in case the administration is not doing their job.
With a funding guarantee in the union contract, a union representative could assist any graduate worker denied funding at every stage of the process. This is the power of a union contract – we can stand up for each other directly, and make sure that every PhD student who comes to Stanford can remain here and carry out the research they came here to do.
Stanford has professed at the bargaining table that they are committed to the 5-year funding guarantee, but has balked at putting it in the contract so that it would be enforceable. The only solution is to ramp up pressure – this is why over 1,000 graduate workers signed the strike pledge on day 1 and why we are continuing to gather signatures. The more of us that stand together, the quicker we can settle a fair contract with Stanford and focus on our research and teaching
Stanford denies timely pay raise — Rally tomorrow - Noon, Engineering Quad
Come to the rally!
Fellow Graduate Workers,
Today, we expected Stanford to respond to our previous proposal with substantial movement on wages, benefits, non-discrimination and the funding guarantee. However, they made it clear that they do not care about giving us the pay we deserve, they do not respect our labor, and they sure as hell don’t want us to have comprehensive workplace protections. Not only have they prevented us from getting a pay raise on time, they have rejected the normal practice of retroactive pay raises, attempting to deny you a pay raise this Fall quarter altogether.
Their proposal was insulting in how little it moved over their past one. They offered no wage increases against their last offer in the first two years of the contract and a mere 0.5% increase over their last proposal in the 3rd year of the contract. The raise they offer continues to be less than their rent increase; it is still an effective pay cut. Their non-discrimination proposal had merely cosmetic changes from last time. They still won’t allow an arbitrator to contradict Stanford’s own internal decisions. Power abuse and bullying are still not grievable. They offered a side letter on the Go Pass which makes it available for a ‘trial period’ of 2 years only for off-campus Graduate workers, and gives Stanford the ability to revoke this key benefit. They apparently need to hear from graduate workers how unacceptable this is.
The time for action is now. If you want a meaningful raise and a contract with the protections you need, come to the rally tomorrow (October 2) at 12pm in the Science and Engineering Quad. RSVP here, and bring your friends, labmates, and colleagues along with you. Stanford has made it clear they think we will take this lying down; let’s prove them wrong together.
In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee
Action needed for a fair contract – One week left!!
There is ONE WEEK left before our contract deadline of Oct. 24
Answering the three most common questions:
- The names on the pledge will not be shared with Stanford
- Fellows can and should sign the pledge!
- The strike pledge is different from the Rally RSVP. You still need to pledge even if you RSVPd for the rally.
Dear Graduate Workers,
We are entering the final and most important week of your contract negotiations. The pressure we put on Stanford over the next week will directly determine the raise that you and all other graduate workers at Stanford will receive.
Thousands of us have already pledged to strike if necessary. While Stanford can still avert a strike by giving us a fair contract, a strong strike threat (expressed through the Strike Pledge) is the most powerful tool we have to extract concessions from Stanford.
Please urgently consider adding your name to the pledge. The more rapidly these pledges rise, the more we obtain at the table. Details on what the pledge means, and what a strike would look like can be found in our FAQs (short and long.
If you have already signed, you should help to sign up other Stanford grads. Talk to your coworkers, friends, and labmates about signing the pledge as soon as possible. The clock is ticking!
Together, we can win a fair contract with strong worker protections, benefits, and the immediate and substantial pay raise we deserve. Winning a great contract requires every single one of us to stand up together.
In Solidarity, The SGWU
Stanford, put up (a good contract) or we shut up and show down (to the rally)
As preparations for our strike pledge rally heat up, SGWU moves on wages to prevent a stalemate with Stanford, proposing a minimum raise of 17% for all grads. We held firm on benefits including the CalTrain GoPass, financial support for international workers, and affordable healthcare including vision and dental coverage. Progress on nondiscrimination, but we need Stanford to extend protections to workers on research fellowships. Our next BC update will be AT the rally–Wednesday 10/2, 12PM in Science & Engineering Quad. Turn out to find out if we have a contract we can live with. RSVP to the STRIKE PLEDGE KICK OFF RALLY! Turn out everyone you know (and maybe make some friends by talking to people you don't!)
Fellow Graduate Workers,
Friday was a momentous day in bargaining as we entered the final phases of our contract fight. We have always principally believed that our prior wage offers are justified considering the high cost of living graduate workers face, much of which is due to Stanford-charged rent. However, Stanford had made it clear in previous sessions that they will not move on their economic offer, including benefits around transit and improved healthcare along with better vision and dental coverage, if we don’t move on our wage offer.
To avoid a stalemate, we took a big step and made substantial movement on our wage offer. We must finish this contract in a timely manner so that our members get their pay raise on time. We have now proposed to Stanford $62,000 as the baseline minimum salary per year for every graduate worker. This is a 17.7% increase in wages over their proposal, and a 22% increase above the current minimum rate. Since some graduate workers make close to this wage level already, we’re additionally proposing that all graduate workers receive at least a 20% pay increase. Finally, we proposed a guaranteed 75% summer appointment (30 hours) so graduate workers don’t feel pressured to find second jobs. Since we’re making such a huge move, we’re holding firm on all other benefits we’ve proposed so far, which includes financial support for international graduate workers, the Vaden fee, and the Caltrain GoPass, among others. Stanford knows exactly what they need to do to settle this contract. Now we need to rally and make them follow through.
Our outstanding language issues are winding down to a place where we are hopeful we can soon resolve them with Stanford. This is especially true for our protracted fight around our newly proposed nondiscrimination article. While Stanford still needs to offer something completely acceptable, our current offer now follows the formula of the contracts of many of our other sibling graduate worker unions. This makes it plausible that Stanford agrees to our language if it truly follows up on its stated commitment of providing graduate workers with an environment free of discrimination and harassment. However, there are still many sticking points: proceeding with the grievance procedure in Title 9 incidents to reach resolution in a timely manner; protections against bullying and harassment; and the perennial struggle to extend these protections to fellows.
We’ve maintained throughout the negotiations with Stanford that fellows should have a right to the same protections as graduate workers in cases of harassment and bullying, unsafe working conditions, and workplace accommodations; just as we’ve maintained our position around our funding guarantee for all PhD students. In the spirit of settling this contract soon, we offered a 5-year 12 month funding guarantee, demanding a codification of the current stated policy, while asking them to consider 6th year funding, which most of our graduate workers need. We communicated that we are more than willing to be in conversation with them about instituting a 6th year funding guarantee during the term of this contract. What’s critical is making the existing guarantee enforceable by including it in our contract. In both these cases - extension of the contract benefits and protections to fellows, and the PhD funding guarantee - we’ve faced heavy pushback from Stanford. Our proposals on Friday were aimed at finding a tentative middle ground for the sake of this contract, and making these issues part of broader organizational discussions. Everything Stanford has done at the table so far says that it’s going to take serious pressure from our membership to move them on both these issues.
All of the contract articles that we’ve worked on up until this point are now in Stanford’s hands. We’ve done our part – we’ve given them all the building blocks of a good contract; we’ve amplified the voice of every graduate worker that spoke up to make sure Stanford hears them. Now it’s their turn to put together a proposal that addresses the needs of all graduate workers. If Stanford returns an insufficient contract offer on Tuesday, they will have only themselves to blame when you and your colleagues overwhelmingly rally for a better deal. But if Stanford does the right thing, they can bring this long contract journey to an end and create a better university for all of us.
The time to take action is now! RVSP and tell everyone to come to our strike pledge kickoff rally on October 2nd, 12pm in the Engineering Quad!
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford is still stubborn on wages - let’s keep turning up the heat!
They came back with a new wage proposal that’s only $128 more than the last one! Stanford returned nondiscrimination – headway on grievability on Title IX but still no real and timely recourse on both this and bullying and harassment. The only way we’re getting the wages and benefits we deserve is by taking action - RSVP for the noon October 2nd rally!
Fellow Graduate Workers,
We are on track to have the BIGGEST rally in our union’s history! Many hundreds have already committed to attend the rally and collectively sign the strike pledge on October 2nd. If you have not RSVP’d, do so now to show Stanford we mean business–and recruit a friend. Note that due to the huge response we received over the past week, the rally location has been moved to the engineering quad!
Stanford came up with an offer of $52,644 for the minimum base salary. This is only $128 above their offer in last Wednesday’s session. Stanford’s offer now stands at a 4% raise for this year. This is still an effective pay cut, as it is less than the 4.5% rent increase this year.
Stanford has continuously claimed they are committed to settling a contract by the end of September so that graduate workers can receive their pay raises on time. But we still do not have an offer with an effective pay raise in sight. Yesterday, they went so far as to say that they will be comfortable with going past the end of the month, which would delay timely raises that we need now. Stanford is nickel-and-diming its employees when they should be ensuring that we have the wages we need to do our jobs with dignity. If Stanford can pay their top-earning 23 employees nearly $50 million, we believe they can pay their researchers and teachers a living wage.
Thanks to our collective action and the active effort our members made to raise awareness on nondiscrimination, Stanford finally made an improved offer. They offered graduate workers the ability to use grievances and a third-party arbitration process for cases of sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination. However, the movement they made was far from sufficient. Stanford wants to delay all nondiscrimination grievances until after their internal investigation is complete, which could take over a year. This prevents real and timely recourse that could be available to graduate workers through the union grievance procedure. In addition, they want to prohibit third party arbitrators from disagreeing with university officials’ interpretation of the facts, undermining the entire purpose of arbitration. Stanford also continues to deny any real protections against bullying, harassment, and deadnaming.
We on the BC are prepared to bargain hard and late into the night to get graduate workers the contract we deserve. We want Stanford to follow up on its self-proclaimed “good intentions” and help us settle a fair contract soon.
However, we also need your support through collective action to push Stanford at the table. Stanford has made it clear they won’t give us any more than we’re prepared to fight for. To get Stanford to move we need you to come out to the strike pledge kick-off rally in the engineering quad on October 2nd, 12pm. RSVP today!
In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford still wants to raise rent more than salary. Let’s take action!
We won protections on excessive work! Stanford is low balling on economics and can’t commit to finishing the contract by the end of September. NOW IS THE TIME TO TURN OUT. RSVP 10/2 rally, and bring coworkers! Reach out if your pay was delayed or reduced.
Good news! We have agreed on language around workload. This article protects us against excessive work hours. It provides the first written guarantee that we can actually take university holidays off, and states that no one can force you to work excessive hours during the quarter. This article is going to be essential to keep teaching or administrative work from preventing your research progress.
This shows that Stanford moves only when we take action. For the rest of our contract bargaining, it’s time for all hands on deck. Hundreds of people have already RSVP’d for our rally on October 2nd – make sure to be there!
Stanford claimed that it was serious about settling a contract by the end of September. Grad workers have made it clear that we will only accept a contract with a living wage that accounts for our high rent and cost of living; affordable healthcare and medical benefits; guaranteed funding; and universal protections against harassment and discrimination.
But when Stanford met with us on the 17th, they offered only a 3.75% raise next year and 3% for the following two years: barely more than their first economic offer of 3%. Meanwhile, Stanford has raised rent by 4.5% this year. Stanford proposed no changes to critical benefits like health care. In the face of inflation and the rising cost of living, Stanford’s offer would leave all of us worse off than last year.
We reminded Stanford that their proposals on non-discrimination are not acceptable. They said they will present a new one next Wednesday the 25th. If Stanford is serious about finishing this contract next week, they’ll have a proposal that allows everyone to have real and timely recourse for all forms of harassment, discrimination, bullying and management abuse of power instead of repeating their previous discriminatory proposals that exclude some graduate workers from the process depending on how Stanford structures their funding.
Next Wednesday, Stanford will have another chance to respond to our economic package. They should present an offer that our membership can actually consider. During bargaining this week, we had conversations prioritizing the benefits that will address our members’ most urgent needs. We will find out next week if Stanford listened.
Through our conversations with hundreds of our members about this contract, we have made graduate worker needs and demands central to our bargaining efforts. But Stanford can NOT continue to ignore hundreds of voices. If Stanford keeps ignoring the needs of our membership, it’s up to all of us to amplify the message until it can’t be ignored. It’s time to ask yourself and your coworkers: are you prepared to take action? On October 2nd we will all show Stanford that we stand united and ready for a fair contract. RSVP and bring your coworkers! If you’re willing to talk to and help organize your coworkers, please RSVP for a strike assessment training here.
Lastly, we have received reports of University administrators using union bargaining as an excuse to be opaque on fall wages or lower prior pay rates. Let us be clear: Bargaining is not an excuse for your department, center, or advisor to withhold an appointment letter, or deny you a salary previously offered for your position. In many cases, these actions are illegal activity on the part of Stanford. If you’ve experienced this delay, talk to your department organizer or BC representative or send an email to We will advocate for you!
In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee
We are ready for a fair deal — Let's fight for a living wage!
Two weeks of bargaining sessions remain. We refuted Stanford's lowball estimates of our cost-of-living. Stanford not budging on nondiscrimination. Participate in SGWU Conversation Training!
Across two bargaining sessions on Friday the 6th and Monday the 9th, we presented to Stanford the methodological flaws underlying their estimates of graduate workers’ cost of living (e.g., their allocation for “Transportation” wouldn’t even cover car insurance and would barely cover a monthly CalTrain pass). We also proposed an economic package centered on a living wage that accounts for the cost of living and reflects the lived experiences of graduate workers in the Bay Area. You can see it on the Bargaining Tracker. Working through the weekend, we also presented a non-discrimination proposal that offers graduate workers real recourse in response to workplace discrimination, bullying, and all forms of harassment.
Stanford’s salary proposal came from taking the mean of surveyed expenditures. We informed Stanford that this mean-subsistence methodology leaves nearly half of grad workers unable to pay their bills, and much of the other half living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Approximately 28% of Stanford PhD respondents in Stanford’s 2022 Student Expenses Survey reported using the food pantry. This figure was 39% for PhD respondents who financially supported others. Our revised economic proposals seek a livable wage for all of us: $68,620, the value computed by the MIT Living Wage Calculator for Santa Clara County.
In addition, we had lengthy discussions on guaranteed funding and non-discrimination. Stanford acknowledged that even though there is supposed to be a funding guarantee for PhD students, its implementation has failed to fulfill this promise. We shared that their implementation leaves countless graduate workers without adequate funding, and without any recourse to ensure that Stanford is actually fulfilling its supposed guarantee. We have repeatedly proposed codifying this guarantee in our contract so that our union can ensure a funding guarantee policy is enforced across departments and PhD grad workers enjoy the financial security of consistent employment to carry out the research they came here to do. To close out this critical issue, we expect a productive proposal from Stanford at the next session.
We also presented a new counterproposal on nondiscrimination. Stanford continues to seek to shield their internal procedures around Title IX from outside review and clarity. We reiterated to Stanford that these internal procedures are not trusted, as is clear from the fact that 94% of the respondents to Stanford’s IDEAL survey who faced discrimination and/or harassment did not file a formal complaint. This is why we need sexual harassment cases to also be grievable through independent arbitrators, a process Stanford has already offered for other forms of harassment and discrimination. Further, we reiterated the need for protections against bullying and power abuse and guarantees that worker’s needs are met in a timely manner.
As we approach the start of the new academic year, the clock is ticking on getting our annual raise on time. To that end, we and Stanford have scheduled two additional bargaining dates in September. We will return to bargaining next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17 and 18, and then on Wednesday, September 25, and Friday, the 27th, in the week after.
To finish this contract in the next four sessions, Stanford will have to make substantive proposals that address our core issues: a living wage that accounts for Stanford-charged rent, inflation and Bay Area cost of living, improved benefits, enforceable guaranteed funding, and real and timely recourse for all types of discrimination, harassment, and bullying.
If they don’t deliver, we—the graduate workers who keep Stanford running—will need to take crucial and serious steps to increase the pressure on Stanford to present a fair settlement. We have hundreds of SGWU members who are having conversations discussing the next steps that we need for a fair contract. Help us organize by coming to one of SGWU’s conversation trainings. Connect with your coworkers, and help bring Stanford back to the table with a serious offer.
In Solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee
Non-discrimination proposal from Stanford. Discussions on economics.
Stanford held up progress on non-discrimination articles by continuing to exclude sex-based discrimination from the grievance process and insisting on grievance procedural technicalities harmful to graduate workers. We discussed our goals for economics, emphasizing cost of living factors like housing and healthcare and laying the groundwork for a strong contract that meets the needs of all graduate workers.
Hello Graduate Workers,
27th bargaining session: still no movement on core non-discrimination issues
On Friday we had another bargaining session with Stanford. They returned yet another proposal on non-discrimination that does not address our core problems, nor does it give us real recourse in the face of these issues. The most concerning topics included:
- Power abuse and bullying: Stanford made no written proposal, but paid lip service to this issue at the table. They cited the Stanford Code of Conduct, which says the University is committed to the principle that everyone is treated “fairly and with respect.” Further, they insisted there was no need for any outside accountability to prevent these issues.
- Sex-based discrimination: Stanford’s proposal still does not allow for the grievance of sex-based misconduct. They added unnecessary language that allows graduate workers to bring a union rep with them during the Title IX process, which we can already do.
- Harmful technicalities to grievance process: Stanford continues to insist that internal complaint procedures must come before any Union-proposed grievance process for non-sex-based discrimination, isolating complainants and introducing months-long timelines to the grievance process.
Non-discrimination is one of the last remaining major language issues: after 8 months of back and forth on these articles, Stanford continues to impede progress over sex-based misconduct, and procedural technicalities. Stanford has known all the while that we will not accept a contract without a non-discrimination clause in line with what other graduate union contracts have won.
A 3% raise is not enough: our goals for economic articles
Stanford’s counter proposals on economics are not enough. We reiterated that due to the high cost of living, unaffordable housing, and weak provisions on healthcare for workers and their dependents, Stanford must provide a stronger economic package. We asked them detailed questions so that we could effectively provide a counter-proposal that preserves the economic needs and priorities of graduate workers, while ensuring a contract agreement in a timely manner. We also discussed our goals for the contract. We remain committed to an immediate and substantial raise, guaranteed funding for all PhD workers, and real medical and transit benefits.
Stanford says that they are still committed to trying to get the contract done by our last scheduled session on September 25th, which would allow graduate workers to get a scheduled pay raise in late October. However, we cannot accept language that is as weak on non-discrimination as what Stanford proposes. Their proposal still reinforces the broken status quo, and continues to protect sexual harassers and power abusers, which is unacceptable on this campus. Additionally, we need to see real movement on economics beyond the woefully inadequate proposal we received. They are going to have to do better if they are serious about keeping the September 25 deadline. If instead they want to continue to make empty gestures and offer platitudes without enforceable contract language, then bargaining will continue.
What can you do to help us win a strong contract?
We need you in this collective fight for a fair contract! Our Pack the Lawn event had a really strong impact on their bargainers, so it’s essential we keep up that energy and support!
Join the ongoing organizing effort by attending the CAT meetings on Thursdays at 6pm at Mitchell-Hartley Conference Room. We need more organizers! Learn more here on how you can get involved!
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Members Rally and then Stanford Makes Largest Movement To Date
Grad workers showed up with incredible energy outside bargaining. Stanford made a major movement on union security, proposing an agency shop. Unfortunately, they show continued resistance to our economic needs and demands. Check out our Bargaining Wins webpage !
Stanford Graduate Workers:
Nothing in this contract fight is possible without rank and file members like you. The results from the most recent bargaining session show that when we organize, we get results!

Grad workers showed up to ‘Pack the Lawn’ outside bargaining, chanting “We don’t care about the weather; Stanford make your offer better” and “Union Shop is Union Power.” Stanford heard your voices loud and clear! In the session right after, Stanford made a major move regarding union security which they had been stonewalling since November: they agreed to an agency shop!

Under an agency shop, all workers will be represented by SGWU and will contribute to our union. Workers may become members and pay dues, or pay an agency fee to support collective bargaining if they choose not to become SGWU members. This ensures SGWU will have the resources to continue fighting for the issues that matter to Stanford graduate workers! Without union security, all our efforts thus far can and will erode in time. In addition, we are very close to an agreement on some of the remaining language articles including Workload and Professional Rights.
Next week, the University said they would make a new proposal on Non-Discrimination, another part of the contract Stanford has not moved on. SGWU has been clear: our members need real and timely recourse for discrimination, all forms of harassment, and power abuse. We hope Stanford chooses to be productive and present a serious proposal that accomplishes these goals.
However, the afternoon session also involved discussions on Stanford’s counter to our economic proposal, which showed a continued resistance to our economic needs and demands. Stanford wants to use metrics of measuring cost of living and inflation that do not reflect the experience of graduate workers, and so their calculations don’t amount to a living wage. We need a real living wage, and raises that account for the inflation we all feel, including Stanford’s own increases in on-campus rent, parking, meal plans, and dependent healthcare. At the next session, we will reiterate to Stanford our economic demands: Stanford needs to pay a real living wage, reduce out-of-pocket health insurance costs, commit to raising our pay faster than they raise our housing costs, cover international graduate workers relocation and visa costs, improve the support for graduate workers with families, and much more.
Today, we are launching a new web page that lists all of the wins we have secured so far. If you want to be a part of organizing direct actions to get a bigger and better offer on economics, join the CAT (Contract Action Team) meeting next Thursday at 6pm in the Hartley Conference Room in the Mitchell Earth Sciences building. Looking for other chances to get involved? Sign up to join our organizing team here.
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford Proposes Effective Wage Cut
Stanford wants to pay you even less money next year! It’s time to turn up the heat. RSVP now for the General Membership Meeting on Aug 14 to join our collective fight for a living wage and a fair contract (Details below)!
Dear graduate workers,
We won’t mince words: Stanford’s first economic proposals were insulting. Yesterday, we received a complete proposal package from Stanford on wages, benefits, and what they termed ‘funding security’. What they offered is worse than the status quo, despite their disingenuous claim that they offer better packages than our peers. A $50,000 stipend in Palo Alto is significantly worse than a $47,000 in Baltimore or $48,000 in New Haven. What they offered was an effective wage cut that would keep us far below the living wage! Read on to know more.
Nearly a month ago, we presented a comprehensive economic proposal that would change the lives of graduate workers at Stanford. Our proposal included a living wage, guaranteed 6-year funding for PhDs, comprehensive medical and transit benefits, and financial support for international grad workers.
Stanford took a month to respond to our proposal. They could have proposed wages tied to rent and inflation, a living wage to account for Stanford-set rent, guaranteed 6-year funding for PhDs, and offered comprehensive medical and transit benefits. But what does Stanford end up proposing?
- A deplorable 3% wage increase, putting grad workers further behind with R&DE’s 4.5% rent and 7.2% meal plan increases.
- No guaranteed funding
- No financial support for international graduate workers
- No improvements in medical, dental, vision, childcare, and transit benefits (no Caltrain GOpass, no nothing)
- Reserving their right to remove tuition and medical benefits as they did with the GOpass two years ago
- No other improvements to our current dire situation.
We shared the concerns that we have heard from countless graduate workers, and each member of the bargaining committee called Stanford out at the table for their unserious proposal. They need to do their job and give us a proposal that we can actually work with. Stanford claimed that a living wage was not necessary as graduate workers come here for a variety of other reasons. In a jaw-dropping moment of disrespect, they suggested that the stipend and benefits were fine because: “Well, the weather is nice here”. If Graduate Workers make Stanford work, we can also make the climate on campus a bit difficult for Stanford.
Now that everything is on the table, the urgency of settling a fair contract has become more important than ever. Stanford said that they want us to have a contract by the end of September for us to get our pay raises in time for the Fall. But with these non-starter first offers, we are skeptical of Stanford’s commitment. Stanford has shown that it will take a serious escalation to get the contract we need: We are prepared to answer that call! It’s time for unified action. Attend the General Membership Meeting on Aug 14 to join our collective fight for a living wage, and a fair contract. Please take a second and RSVP right now. We need to show Stanford that we are united and determined in this fight!
In solidarity,
Your SGWU Bargaining Committee
We presented Stanford with embarrassing wage to cost of living figures. Discussions on language issues.
We presented Stanford wage to cost-of-living comparisons with peer universities (Hint, Stanford does not look good!). We pushed, and expect movement going forward, on outstanding language issues, such as union shop, non-discrimination, and intellectual property.
As Stanford continues to sit on the economic articles, we presented a detailed, data-driven analysis showing that our wages, adjusted for cost of living,
are substandard compared to all other peer institutions (see below and under Presentations in our bargaining tracker).
We repeated to Stanford that our proposed pay increase would put Stanford on par with these institutions, ensuring a fair and competitive wage.
While there were no major agreements reached, we are down to a few critical language issues. We had substantial and lengthy conversations on several language issues including, but not limited to:
-Union security
-Fellows inclusion
-Union rights (e.g. orientations)
-Intellectual property
We continue to fight hard for union shop as it is critical for a strong union. A union shop implies that all grad workers automatically become part of the union, and thus can participate in union meetings, elections, and run for positions in the union. A union shop strengthens unity, longevity, and collective power, allowing a union to not waste resources in repeated membership drives, and instead focus on what really matters to us. The absence of a union shop leads to lower collective power, contributing to long-term negative impacts on wages and working conditions. At this last session we had a productive conversation with Stanford about union security. We hope Stanford does not delay their proposal any further, and we get an agreement which makes us a strong and effective union.
As discussed in our last update, Stanford has continually refused to fully include non-discrimination in our grievance process. In the latest round of bargaining, we explained to Stanford the necessity of a union grievance procedure to cover all discrimination, harassment, and power abuse cases. Within this, we seek to include cases falling under the jurisdiction of Title IX as well as those pertaining to discrimination based on other markers like race, creed, disability, and reproductive decision-making. We need an unbiased union grievance process that gives survivors of sexual assault, as well as workers who experience other forms of discrimination, real and timely recourse. As grad workers have explained, this is something that Stanford’s current systems, including Title IX, have historically failed at. Given Stanford’s shameful track record, exemplified by numerous horrifying cases, we expect them to work with us to create a grievance process that combats the discriminatory practices rampant in our workplace and supports workers who have been subject to discrimination and harassment.
Through these conversations, we hope Stanford will put language proposals on the table that are at least on par with those negotiated at our peer universities. We also expect to get Stanford’s response to our economic proposals at our next session so that we, as grad workers, can get this contract done as soon as possible and finally get the rights and wages we deserve.
Help win this contract! Come to the Thursday 6pm weekly CAT meeting, RSVP for August 14th General Membership meeting, request access to our union Slack, and come show Stanford we’re ready to fight for our raise, fight for our contract, and fight for our rights!
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
More Stalling Around Economics — Stanford Dragging Feet
Stanford stalls on standard language and delays counterproposal for economics articles. We continues to fight for union shop, real recourse for harassment and discrimination, and fellow inclusion.
Dear Graduate Workers,
At last week’s bargaining session, Stanford continued to stall on discussions. Stanford continues to refuse language that other universities accepted, including on professional rights, language that should have been agreed on months ago.
Additionally, Stanford repeatedly rejects language to ensure union access to department-level orientations, standard-practice language (e.g. MIT, JHU, Northwestern, Chicago) to give new and future workers a heads up about their rights. Stanford claims that orientation events have to be relevant to everyone immediately and that a 30-minute room for the union during orientation is logistically and financially infeasible. Frankly, Stanford’s claims are shameful. First, contrary to Stanford’s lies, the union is relevant to all grad workers, including fellows. Further, nearly all PhD students will at some point be grad workers, even under Stanford’s insultingly narrow definition. Lastly, given 1) the reasonableness of our 30-minute request (orientations are considerably longer), 2) room rents are only Stanford paying itself, and 3) last year departmental orientations only became a problem when the administration intervened to block our participation, these logistical and financial excuses are clearly hoaxes to try and prevent workers from learning about their rights.
Our conversation on orientations was only one of many times we had to firmly clarify that fellows are workers and must be included, despite a number of backhanded dismissals of fellows’ contributions to Stanford’s prestigious research. We know that fellows are employees and their work impacts this institution beyond the degrees they obtain. Over the bargaining discussion, we again pushed Stanford hard on union shop (a crucial contract provision ensuring all graduate workers become members of the union), which Stanford, as usual, continued to deflect in order to minimize our power. As is the case in all their tactics, Stanford seeks to prevent the union from being able to protect graduate workers.
We also continued to demand our right to grieve everything in the contract, including nondiscrimination, which Stanford unconscionably seeks to carve out of the grievance process. Between the orientation concerns and Stanford’s absurd views on nondiscrimination we’re left with the impression that senior leadership seems to have ulterior motives: they know that grad workers on campus are mistreated and they’re scared of outside accountability. They want to keep new workers in the dark about their rights. They want to be completely free of outside accountability when workers are subject to abuse of authority, bullying, or sexual harassment. They want to be able to drag out investigations of racist, antisemitic, or Islamophobic discrimination long enough to deny justice and prevent real accountability. And they seem to keep hoping that the laws protecting trans people from being deadnamed and misgendered changes, so they no longer have to pretend to try and prevent even the most basic forms of disrespect.
Stanford has also begun to delay bargaining on economic articles. Rather than receive any response to our previous week’s proposal, we were told that Stanford would be unable to counter our economics article proposal until a full month from our presentation, wasting precious time that could be spent getting to a contract faster.
We spent a significant portion of the bargaining day responding to Stanford’s questions on the economic articles. Over the course of these questions, Stanford suggested that we not incorporate the Bay Area’s exorbitant cost-of-living into our wage calculation. Are these lawyers and administrators really so well paid and out-of-touch that they truly don’t understand why cost of living matters to our wage? Or are they just feigning incomprehension to eat up our time in bargaining? With the way Stanford’s team has behaved the past 8 months, either option seems possible.
After extensive questioning, we expect a solid economics counterproposal from them within the next few weeks. In the meantime, next week we expect a meaningful response on union security (union shop), nondiscrimination, and union rights.
Come to the Thursday 6pm weekly CAT meeting, RSVP for August 14th General Membership meeting, request access to our union Slack, and come show Stanford we’re ready to fight for our raise, fight for our contract, and fight for our rights!
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Economic bargaining begins and an Inclusive Work Environment tentative agreement!
Economics are finally on the table, check it out HERE. We have reached a tentative agreement on Inclusive Work Environment, check it out HERE.
Dear Graduate Workers,
At our latest bargaining meeting, we gave Stanford our economic demands.
Bargaining Committee members told Stanford what all graduate workers already know: that we are rent-burdened and can barely afford to live on-campus. That our salary does not go far enough in the Bay Area. That standards of living are higher at most peer institutions if we compare pay to cost of living. You can read our proposed articles here, but to summarize, we are demanding:
-A 43.2% raise of the minimum stipend to $72,479 to account for the high cost of Stanford housing and living in the Bay Area and to bring our real wages and standard of living to a level comparable to what graduate workers make at unionized universities around the country
-Annual raises at or above the CPI-U inflation index
-A 6-year funding guarantee, since the average PhD takes 5.7 years
-Decent, safe, and affordable housing at less than 30% of our income, the US Department of Housing definition of affordable housing
-Full coverage of dental, vision, and mental health, basic needs so that we can do our jobs and have a good quality of life
-Full coverage of all graduate worker immigration fees and expenses. It should not cost more to work at Stanford just because of where you’re from
In other news, we reached a tentative agreement on Inclusive Work Environment! This was a harder fight than it should have been as Stanford originally said they didn’t want to address any of these issues in the contract (presumably because our contract will be, you know, enforceable). But despite their reticence, we won commitments from Stanford including:
-Accommodations in research and teaching roles for disabled graduate workers without having to share your medical history with your PI
-Accommodation for religious holidays and practices
-Guarantees of clean lactation space and sufficient time for the expression of breast milk
-Initial guarantees around ensuring nearby gender-neutral bathroom access
-Codification of existing rights to use your preferred name
-Improved confidential reporting mechanisms for name and pronoun misuse
Despite these wins, we have a ways to go. Stanford continues to resist our efforts to make our campus better, not just for grad workers but for everyone. We want to highlight the ongoing contract fight between Stanford and SEIU local 2007, the Stanford service workers’ union. SEIU’s demands mirror SGWU’s: to be treated with respect and to be paid fairly. Stanford’s playbook with SEIU has also been the same: delay, deny, distract, divide, and prevent workers from having their voices heard and their needs met. Stanford has been highly resistant to collaboration between SGWU and SEIU: they rejected our offer to observe each others’ bargaining, and this week Stanford presented SGWU with contract language denying us the right to refuse to cross a picket line which would prevent our members from showing solidarity with SEIU or any of the other labor unions on campus. We know we are stronger together and Stanford is anxiously trying to suppress the power of united labor on campus.
Stanford graduate workers will not accept a contract that curtails our rights to express solidarity and support other workers. Come to the Thursday 6pm weekly CAT meeting, request access to our union Slack, and come show Stanford we’re ready to fight for our raise, fight for our contract, and fight for our rights!
In solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford brings too few counters & concessions. Turn up the heat at CAT July 11th!
Stanford moves on menstrual products but admit they expect by default all workers on campus, working, 52 weeks a year. Stanford won’t concede any of its power unless grad workers DEMAND it! Be part of that demand at the campus-wide Contract Action meeting July 11!
Fellow graduate workers,
Wednesday we met with Stanford and presented 6 counterproposals intended to close out our remaining language articles so we can get to negotiating economic terms. Stanford returned five articles and while we reached one Tentative Agreement it wasn’t over anything particularly impactful and Stanford continues to stall on the issues and protections that matter.
This week’s wins: Stanford agreed to give SGWU time at University orientation events, but not at any department-level orientations. Stanford failed to provide a good reason why we can’t have access to department orientations, so we refused to agree to their terms – access to department level orientations is standard in union contracts at other universities around the country. Further, Stanford agreed to add contract language ensuring access to menstrual products in women’s and gender neutral restrooms, representing movement from their previous proposal, which we called out as sexist, transphobic and noncommital.
Stanford still hasn’t moved on nondiscrimination—they are refusing to allow for quick resolutions and for contract protections against bullying and against sexual harassment, discrimination, and assault. This week we returned a strong Nondiscrimination proposal including all these protections and more. We know that graduate workers won’t accept a contract with Stanford’s poison pills: their blatant attempts to carve out loopholes in our grievance procedure and their refusal to address the need for real recourse, especially in cases of discrimination and harassment.
After our May 16 proposal on Workload we told Stanford we needed a quick response because this article would impact our economic proposals. On June 26th (almost 6 weeks later), Stanford returned a counter proposal answering a lingering question that came up earlier in bargaining: Yes, the University really told us that Graduate Workers can be required to work 13 weeks per quarter, for 52 weeks a year, including holidays and University closures, with discipline or even removal from the University as possible penalties. This is obviously, blatantly, both unacceptable and vastly different from the status quo where most work occurs during the academic quarter. We are committed to fighting in our economic package for strong language on leave & vacation time in order to ensure our members are actually able to live their lives on top of research, teaching, and academics, while maintaining flexible work hours and vacation time for those who already have it. In fact, Stanford’s language elsewhere in their proposals requires that Graduate Workers “maintain a significant physical presence on campus” for the duration of their 13 week Appointment, meaning if they get their way we can never go home or travel. Stanford also continued, without justification, to refuse language protecting workers from excessive or abusive hours.
While we are fighting hard at the bargaining table, we also know that none of these issues will be resolved without Stanford feeling the pressure across campus. To put their feet to the heat, join your coworkers at the next Contract Action Team meeting, Thursday July 11 at 6pm in Mitchell. Area Meetings for the summer quarter are being merged with the campus-wide Contract Action Team where we plan socials and rallies and develop strategies to win our contract. Come learn more and take part in the contract fight, as we push back against Stanford’s consistent efforts to undermine our union’s strength through constant delays and exclusions. Join your coworkers fighting to win the strongest protections, salary, and benefits we can get. Our first contract fight is crucial and will set a standard for decades of workers at Stanford. We will only win what thousands of us are organized to take!
Together, we will prevail
Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford WALKS OUT when confronted with their sexism, transphobia, obstruction
Stanford storms out of the room and refuses to hear two union proposals, further delaying economics. International Grad Worker tentative agreement secures new rights
Graduate Workers,
Yesterday, we secured a major victory by reaching a tentative agreement on international graduate worker rights (details at the end!). However, just after signing the tentative agreement, Stanford deployed a new egregious delay tactic by storming out of the room when we raised concerns about their proposals and refusing to hear our proposals. These antics obstruct progress on our contract and delay economic negotiations.
Stanford Walks Out
Stanford’s refusal to negotiate came after we called them out for continually failing to put allegedly existing practices into our enforceable contract. In particular, Stanford brags about providing free menstrual products, but they refuse to commit to bare-minimum contractual language to provide them in workplace bathrooms even upon request. Their refusal to engage is indicative not only of sexist and transphobic practices, but reflects a broader pattern of one-sided, seemingly regressive bargaining in which they attempt to wait us out in a war of attrition, trying to undermine our ability to protect graduate workers’ rights and benefits.
Beyond this specific issue (for which they failed to come up with any real justification for their continued refusal to engage), this behavior is a symptom of the administration’s lack of care or interest in the needs of graduate workers. Continuing with their obstruction and delay-focused strategy, Stanford made proposals on Nondiscrimination and Union Rights that were insulting and unproductive. Stanford doubled down, arguing that sexual discrimination, harassment, and assault should be entirely addressed by Stanford offices focused on preventing accountability, instead of a union grievance procedure that would provide real recourse. In fact, they expanded the list of practices they feel they should not be subject to a grievance procedure. On Union Rights, Stanford continues to completely ignore our proposal to ensure incoming graduate workers are given proper access to union orientation, informing new workers of their rights and protections under the union.
Stanford’s Nondiscrimination proposal also continues to disrespect trans, non-binary, and gender-non-confirming workers. They failed to recognize a recently settled component of the law: that intentional and repeated deadnaming and misgendering is harassment. Our only conclusion here is that Stanford is hoping the law changes to no longer protect trans workers so that they are able to officially tolerate anti-trans harassment once again.
Additionally, Stanford leaned into their beliefs that graduate worker’s dignity should be at the university’s discretion. Instead of codifying existing practices on allowing graduate workers to choose their own names, Stanford backtracked on their previous proposal that workers should get to choose their last name. Further, Stanford proposed codifying their right to unilaterally end the practice of allowing updated ID cards. Stanford also did not respond to our proposal that they should keep track of where incorrect names are being used. They seem to be more interested in keeping their heads in the sand and hoping not to know about issues so they can claim ignorance when they choose to repeatedly disrespect people.
Frankly, Stanford’s behavior is shockingly far outside the norm for other institutions’ grad union negotiations. Consider MIT’s article on Inclusive Work Environment: MIT agreed that deadnaming and misgendering are harassment. Stanford refuses to do so. MIT agreed to amend their policies to increase clarity around these issues. Stanford’s bargaining team claimed that amendments to their policies on any issue is impossible. MIT agreed to update records and IDs with preferred names for free. Stanford refuses to commit to updating records and wants to be able to charge as much as it wants for updated ID cards. MIT committed to a concrete plan on improving menstrual product access across their campus. Stanford refuses to make any commitments.
Stanford’s bargaining team appears to be more interested in protecting a broken, sexist, and transphobic system than addressing the concerns of the graduate workers who keep this institution running. Stanford is well aware that their antics have delayed the negotiation of economic articles. Graduate workers should not have to wait for critically needed substantial increases in compensation and benefits because their employer refuses to make real progress.
International Graduate Workers
Our tentative agreement on International Graduate Workers secures various rights, including increased protections for international grad workers stuck outside of the U.S., unable to obtain work authorization, or needing to attend visa proceedings. For grad workers unable to enter the U.S., Stanford must provide necessary visa and immigration documentation within 5 days. Additionally, Stanford can no longer arbitrarily deny requests for CPT or OPT applications.
These wins for international graduate workers, however, came after a completely unnecessary seven months of Stanford repeatedly claiming that they could not offer the same rights that this article and other universities already provide. We will continue the fight in our economic articles to ensure reimbursement for remission for any visa/immigration fees and free federal and state tax preparation software for international graduate workers; we international graduate workers know we often face additional financial burdens due to our nonresident status and will ensure Stanford commits to providing the financial support we need in this contract.
Next Steps
Working together is the only way to ensure that we win improvements to our working conditions. Come learn more and help with the contract fight by attending our Thursday 6pm meetings in Mitchell B-04. We eagerly await a response at the next bargaining session from Stanford’s team which can seriously address the remaining language articles, and allow for the economic demands to be presented without further delays.
Your BC
Stanford Moves on Issues from Last Week’s Update
Tentative agreement on Bargaining Unit Information, some (but not enough) movement on Inclusive Work Environment.
Greetings Graduate Workers:
We are pleased to report that we have reached a tentative agreement on Bargaining Unit Information! Stanford backed away from their previous claims that they are unable to provide lists of incoming workers any earlier than 5 days before the start of the academic year (which would have prevented workers from receiving crucial information about union orientation and union member sign-up), and has now agreed to provide the union with a complete list of worker information 14 days before the start of each quarter. We hope to see Stanford continue these sorts of fruitful negotiations on the other outstanding language articles, so that we can move on to economic articles at the soonest possible opportunity.
Last Friday, in hopes of expediting progress on our Inclusive Work Environment article, we raised grad worker concerns about Stanford’s existing practices around all-gender bathroom access. Stanford has gendered previously all-gender bathrooms with no notice, closed them with no notice, and in some instances locked TAs out of the all-gender bathroom for the building they teach in. These practices make the lives of non-binary, trans, and gender non-conforming grad workers and students more difficult and reflect a lack of care that often pervades Stanford. We also raised concerns about the bargaining team’s refusal to commit to existing practices about allowing grad workers to use their chosen names on IDs and elsewhere.
At the end of the day, Stanford came back and committed in our contract language to work towards ensuring grad workers who request it have access to all-gender bathrooms. However, they did not make any promises about continuing or expanding on existing practices around prioritizing chosen names.
Their bargaining team was happy to discuss allegedly ongoing projects to improve how Stanford’s computer systems handle chosen names, but they continue to insist that it is impossible to commit to these projects being finished on time or being implemented by departments and programs. To reach agreement on this issue, Stanford must set specific timelines to ensure that all grad workers have the right to use their preferred name across the university.
Our disagreement isn’t just about queer workers; it’s about enshrining existing practices that benefit our members in our contract. Without codifying these rights in our contract, Stanford can try to change these working conditions arbitrarily. We are pushing Stanford to commit to existing practices on many issues, not just this one. We hope that they are serious about ensuring their existing policies and practices that benefit grad workers continue and are applied fairly and evenly.
There are several articles that are very close to resolution if Stanford would back away from some unrealistic expectations. Once those are cleared up, we can get economics on the table. There is no reason we cannot get those non-economic articles resolved at our next session on June 11.
Solidarity, Your BC
Per Diem for all (who want it)! Stanford stalling is beyond what you can imagine!!!
No tentative agreements (TAs) today. Stanford makes no movement in support of international graduate workers. Good News, Stanford established that Grad Workers shall always have the choice to receive per diem for travel reimbursements (lieu of saving receipts!). Let us know if your department does not allow per diem or you have concerns about new policies on building access across campus.
Hello Graduate Workers,
Last week, we had a discussion with Stanford about recent changes regarding building safety and access policies. We discussed maintaining workplace safety and look forward to supporting member’s needs as access policies changes are implemented by departments and the university. If you or your colleagues have any concerns about building access and safety policies please reach out to your BC representative or department organizer.
Stanford Stalling:
Last week, we hoped to reach a tentative agreement on Bargaining Unit Information. However, Stanford continues to unnecessarily prolong bargaining. At issue is Stanford claiming it cannot provide SGWU a list of new/incoming graduate worker names and email addresses as late as 2 weeks before the quarter. This information is crucial to notify everyone about upcoming union orientation events and essential payroll information. Stanford proposed sending us a list 5 days before the start of Autumn quarter which seems intended to make it impossible for new grad workers to learn about their rights during orientation. They claimed
- their computer systems are unable to generate lists in advance;
- that their proposal was better than those in other graduate worker union contracts; and
- that federal privacy laws prevent them from doing better.
These claims are inaccurate. The truth is
- they agreed to provide appointment notifications two weeks in advance, so their computer systems already have the info we need;
- peer institutions such as MIT receive contact info for incoming graduate workers at least 3 weeks before the beginning of their semester; and
- our contract language ensures Stanford complies with federal privacy laws, (regardless, no other institutions have encountered federal privacy law issues).
At the end of the day, we see two of Stanford’s classic bargaining tactics. First, they make a decision that creates difficulty and confusion and then they blame that decision for being unable to resolve an issue. In this case, their attempted exclusion of Fellows from the union makes receiving one list a year unworkable. Second, Stanford cites their bureaucratic decentralization for their inability to do anything. We reject that their bureaucratic incompetence is a legitimate excuse for inaction.
The solution here is simple. Stanford should clean up the mess they made by recognizing that all fellows are graduate workers and should be protected by the union. This will resolve a litany of challenges that Stanford has asserted are insurmountable. Failing that, they can figure out how to look up a list of names and emails from a computer system that already has them.
On the same theme, Stanford again weaponized their own administrative dysfunction to argue that they can’t possibly provide visa paperwork within 5 business days when international graduate workers are trapped abroad due to visa issues.
We hope that Stanford comes to the table this week with confidence in their own staff’s competence, honest analysis of the law, and a base-level awareness of how other universities are handling the same issues. Once they do, we are sure they will recognize that our proposed compromises are generous to them and reasonable. They can and should do better.
Per Diem:
In good news, after multiple rounds of back and forth, Stanford has acknowledged that all of us may elect to receive per diem when requesting travel reimbursement, meaning that instead of saving receipts for individual meal expenses you may request a fixed amount of money per day to cover meals while traveling. Per diem rates simplify the travel reimbursement process. You can find the domestic rates here. They refer to fingate: “Stanford travelers may elect to use the per diem reimbursement method for meals and/or lodging.” Your travel administrator should not prohibit you from making the per diem election. Please let your Area Chair or BC representative know if you are having trouble with getting per diem, and we will get it resolved.
In solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee
Health and Safety TA'd; need core international worker protection
We’ve reached a tentative agreement on Health and Safety; 98% VOTED YES on our Economic Platform; Get ready to fight for our economic compensation!
Fellow Graduate Workers,
We are excited to announce that nearly 1700 graduate workers voted in our economic ratification election. 98% voted a resounding YES on our economic platform. We will now begin the bargaining process to win an immediate and substantial raise, improved healthcare, and other critical benefits found in our economic platform. All that remains is for Stanford to settle some of the core remaining language issues so we can begin economic negotiations.
We can fight for these wins together, as evidenced by our rally last week at White Plaza. Thanks to all of the grad workers who came out to show Stanford that our membership is ready to activate over key issues that remain on the table. Chants of “Union Shop, Union Power!” could be heard in the bargaining room inside Tresidder. Stanford knows we mean business and we are starting to see real movement at the table.
We have also reached a tentative agreement on our Health and Safety article last week. By building pressure through collective actions like last week’s picket, we have been able to obtain crucial concessions from Stanford on key articles like this one. Our Health and Safety article now ensures that once the contract is ratified, graduate workers will be able to refuse to work in unsafe environments without fear of retaliation. When graduate workers request safety evaluations of their workspaces, the university will have to share what actions it took and which safety expert concluded they were sufficient to ensure safety.
Despite our continued momentum on language articles, there are still significant disagreements that still need to be worked out. Last week we had a sharp exchange with Stanford on International Graduate Workers, fighting back against Stanford’s refusal to move on key aspects including enabling international workers who are temporarily unable to obtain authorization to enter the US to continue working. Without sufficient protection, workers could arbitrarily lose their jobs through no fault of their own. Peer institutions like MIT, University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and Johns Hopkins University have adopted similar protections, showing that Stanford can protect international workers if they want. It’s our job to make sure they do.
After the strong union showing last week at our White Plaza action, the ball is in Stanford’s court; we are expecting them to make serious progress on these issues, and are ready to hold them accountable if they don’t follow through. We know that graduate workers won’t accept delays on negotiating economic terms — fair pay can’t wait!
In solidarity, SGWU Bargaining Committee
Vote on Economic Articles, making progress on Language
Tentative Agreement on Discipline and Discharge, movement on many fronts, including nondiscrimination, but more is needed. Make sure to vote on our economic proposals!
Dear Graduate Workers,
Stanford finally made significant movement on our nondiscrimination proposal this week by agreeing that we have the right to file grievances over discrimination and harassment on the basis of protected categories that do not fall under Title IX’s jurisdiction. Although this is a significant movement toward real recourse for graduate workers, we are still continuing to fight for major remaining provisions. Stanford’s last proposal fails to give graduate workers the right to raise grievances over cases of sexual harassment and assault, exploitation, and power abuse at the hands of supervisors. Additionally, Stanford acknowledged caste discrimination is prohibited under California law, but they are resistant to codifying caste as a protected category in our contract. Finally, Stanford’s current proposal requires graduate workers to first go through the University’s entire process for reporting discrimination and harassment before accessing union procedures. As the IDEAL survey tells us, graduate workers rarely report or use university procedures because they can be slow, ineffective, and even harmful. We will continue to fight for a prompt timeline for grievances that offer real recourse for addressing discrimination, harassment, and power abuse in all forms.
We are happy to announce we have reached a tentative agreement on our Discipline & Discharge article. This ensures that Graduate Workers cannot be disciplined without just cause and that progressive discipline will be used. This means that you cannot be fired for minor mistakes, and Stanford has committed to refraining from disproportionate discipline or retaliation for errors at work. In other words, the severity of discipline must match the severity of the offense.
In addition to non-discrimination and workload, we saw the first serious movement by Stanford on our Health and Safety and Workload articles, including the right to a safe workplace and a commitment from Stanford that ensures you cannot be forced to work more hours than stated in your appointment letter. We appreciate Stanford’s movement on these articles, but there are still several key points of disagreement that need to be resolved.
Our progress at the bargaining table is contingent upon your participation; when Stanford sees graduate workers taking action, they concede. To keep up this momentum, we need you to take one minute and VOTE on our economic proposals. Check your inbox for “OpaVote Voting Link”, and reach out to stanfordgwu(at) if you have not received your ballot, make sure you signed your union card at Strong voter turnout makes the case to Stanford that we need these economic benefits and pay raises ASAP and are willing to fight for them. You can also show Stanford we mean business by attending our picket on May 16. RSVP to stand together and win this contract!
In solidarity, Your BC
Grievance Procedure TA!
BIG NEWS - We reached a tentative agreement on our independent grievance procedure! We still need to win the right to file grievances over power abuse, harassment and discrimination.
Dear Stanford Graduate Workers:
We’ve reached a tentative agreement on a KEY article in our contract: Grievance Procedure! This article establishes the process for enforcing our contract by allowing graduate workers to file union-backed grievances. We’ve also moved eight other articles closer to the finish line. We’re committed to keeping up this momentum and we hope Stanford will join us in making our upcoming bargaining sessions as productive as this one.
Why is the grievance procedure so important? If you’re treated unfairly, forced to work in unsafe conditions, or feel that any of your rights laid out in our contract are violated, filing a grievance gives you real recourse through a system designed to support graduate workers instead of protecting Stanford’s reputation and bottom line. Our grievance procedure outlines your options for seeking resolution, ensures access to union representation if desired, and provides third-party arbitration as recourse if a resolution isn’t found. Grievances are an essential tool for unions to enforce contracts, so this tentative agreement is a major win!
While our tentative agreement on Grievance Procedure is great progress, there are several important issues that Stanford refuses to budge on. We are still fighting for an enforceable non-discrimination and anti-harassment process, union security, meaningful health and safety protections, and fewer restrictions on CPT and OPT for international workers.
We also released our economic platform last week! To learn more about the economic platform and our fight for our membership, our rights, and our needs, be sure to attend the Spring General Membership Meeting (GMM) on May 1. BC reps will also be available asynchronously to discuss the proposed platform with workers like you. You can find your BC rep here. In the meantime, we are incorporating your feedback to ensure that this platform represents our membership, our rights, and our needs.
Our final update is that we have a newly elected BC rep from Applied Physics, longtime SGWU organizer Chris Gustin! Graduate workers in Humanities and Material Sciences should also look out for information about running and voting in BC elections in the coming weeks.
In solidarity, SGWU BC
Fighting to grieve discrimination and harassment and Bargaining Committee special elections
We need Stanford to make serious concessions on Grievance Procedure, Discipline and Discharge, Appointment Notification, Non-Discrimination, and Inclusive Work Environment. Also, we will hold elections to fill open Bargaining Committee seats in Applied Physics, Humanities, and Material Sciences.
Dear Stanford Graduate Workers,
Despite two intensive 8-hour bargaining sessions last week, Stanford has not made enough movement for us to reach tentative agreements on Grievance Procedure, Appointment Security, and Discipline/Discharge. These three articles are critically important for our long-term job security because they address how members can file a grievance, ensure we have a job in situations of precarity, and protect us from arbitrary termination or discipline.
The University also returned, for a second time, their proposal on contract language over Non-Discrimination. Once again, it excludes our proposal for workers to have access to an independent arbitrator in cases of discrimination and harassment.
Why is it so important for discrimination and harassment to be covered by our union grievance procedure? In other words, why is Stanford fighting us so hard on this article?
Currently, graduate students only have access to institutional grievance procedures in certain cases, such as sexual or gender-based harassment and discrimination (known as Title IX). As workers, we can also access the University’s employment procedures for investigating other forms of harassment and discrimination (Admin Guide 1.7.4), but there are many reasons why that isn’t enough to protect us in such circumstances.
Here’s why discrimination and harassment should be covered by our union grievance procedure instead:
- It protects graduate workers by granting recourse to an independent arbitrator, rather than Stanford’s failed process.
- It guarantees strict timelines: Under Stanford’s Admin Guide, the suggested time just to investigate a complaint would be 90 days. Under our union grievance procedure, it would take 70 days maximum to bring the complaint to an independent arbitrator.
- It goes beyond Title IX by providing recourse for harassment that isn’t based on sex or gender.
- It goes beyond protected categories by providing recourse for any and all harassment, bullying, and abuse of power.
- It prioritizes protection over punishment by obtaining accommodations for grad workers whose ability to work is being impeded by harassment, power abuse,or discrimination.
- It codifies graduate workers’ right to a union representative in grievance proceedings.
- It places additional pressure on the University to act when faced with a complaint over harassment or discrimination that may come before an independent arbitrator.
Discrimination and harassment are not a superficial concern that affects a minority of Stanford’s graduate workers. They could affect you at any point in time during your career. That’s why we need the power to file a union-backed grievance over discrimination, power abuse or harassment–at the hands of one’s co-workers, advisors, PIs, or faculty.
We already know that Stanford’s existing procedures can’t and don’t protect us–see Stanford’s own IDEAL campus survey results–and that’s why we need this clause to protect all graduate workers.
We also have a bargaining win to share: Stanford agreed to contract language that prevents your advisor from making you do inappropriate work (e.g., running personal errands)..
Additionally, SGWU will be holding elections to fill Bargaining Committee seats in Applied Physics, Humanities, and Materials Sciences. SGWU members from these departments will be eligible to run and vote. Workers in those departments will be sent an email with more details. We will solicit candidates from the relevant departments between April 1 and April 5. Please indicate your interest in running by April 5. We will begin elections on the following Monday, April 8. The voting period will run until April 12. Further details about this election will be included in future correspondence.
In Solidarity, SGWU BC.
Small Wins, Big Progress + Int'l Grad Worker's Needs
Let’s keep up the bargaining momentum! We reached a TA (tentative agreement) on appointment postings. In today’s update, we’re putting Stanford in the hot seat over international workers’ rights.
Fellow Grad Workers,
In our last update, we described Stanford’s varied tactics for slowing down bargaining. After publicly holding Stanford accountable, we are finally starting to see greater movement at the table at our last two bargaining sessions. We credit this movement at the table to the FAM, the CAT (Contract Action Team), and the organizational structure and strength that’s grown over the last two months. In light of this momentum with Stanford, we’re pushing for tentative agreements on key articles in the coming sessions, like Grievance Procedure, Discipline and Discharge, and Appointment Notification.
Our first recent win is reaching a tentative agreement (TA) on our Appointment Posting article (Article 17). This agreement requires Stanford to post any open teaching and research assistantships each quarter on a centralized website accessible to all Graduate Workers. While Graduate Workers in a given department may receive priority for these appointments, any worker who meets the requirements for the position can apply.
Our second win is a commitment from Stanford to incorporate progressive discipline into the contract. Progressive discipline means graduate workers 1) have the right to be notified of misconduct or performance issues before they lead to discipline and 2) any punishment taken must match the severity of the offense. Winning progressive discipline is vital for our job security because it protects workers from being fired for minor mistakes such as showing up late to meetings, which could be used as a way to retaliate against workers.
We need to build on this momentum to obtain key concessions for international workers. Of our five core issues, this week Stanford provided a counter-proposal on international workers. But there are still significant disparities between what Stanford is currently offering and what international graduate workers need. Stanford must ensure Bechtel adheres to reasonable and reliable timelines for providing assistance to international graduate workers. This is necessary to protect us from issues like unreasonable delays in obtaining immigration documentation or information. Moreover, Stanford cut our proposal for all international graduate workers to have equitable access to CPT (Curricular Practical Training) and OPT (Optional Practical Training). If your experiences with Bechtel or your department have affected your work and life at Stanford, let us know here.
In Solidarity,
Your BC
Stanford returns toothless articles; SGWU files labor charge
Stanford refuses to move on many key issues and has shown that they do not want us to have an enforceable contract. They have even tried to obstruct our ability to communicate with our members via departmental email listservs. We have now filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board.
Dear Fellow Workers,
This past week we met with Stanford’s administration again. We want every graduate worker to know how our employer bargains.
How Stanford negotiates: Throughout the bargaining process, Stanford has employed numerous tactics to slow down the bargaining process and undermine our negotiating position. These include:
- making counter proposals without any material changes,
- refusing to negotiate on essential issues like nondiscrimination, and
- using deliberately vague language in their proposals to prevent us from enforcing the terms of these articles in our future contract.
Stanford’s tactics conceal their real purpose: to pressure us into signing a contract that cannot be enforced when our rights are violated. For instance, on Thursday we finally received a response to our proposal for an inclusive work environment, three and a half months after we first proposed it. In it, Stanford cut a provision protecting queer and trans workers’ right to use preferred names and pronouns at work. Stanford’s watered-down counter also puts the onus on grad workers to navigate the university’s bureaucracy to obtain accommodations they need to work.
These tactics are clear from their health and safety proposal. Let’s compare:
SGWU: The University shall provide a safe workplace and proactively ensure Graduate Workers’ health and safety when they are engaged in activity related to their work responsibilities.
Stanford: The University and the Union share a commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment and ensuring that Graduate Workers have a safe and healthy workplace consistent with applicable law.
Notice a difference? Stanford systematically tries to change our language from one of obligation to one of recommendation, turning a legally-binding contract meant to protect our rights as workers into a trivial set of suggestions. This bargaining tactic characterized all eleven articles they returned last week (see Bargaining Tracker).
We filed an unfair labor practice charge against Stanford. The bad faith tactics don’t stop there. For months, Stanford has been arbitrarily applying standards about what messages can be shared to departmental listservs. While some SGWU organizers have no problem advertising area meetings and rallies, others have had their messages blocked and informed that listservs can be used for “department business” only. Yet these same departments continue to approve non-union messages that are neither academic nor department business on their listservs.
This arbitrary and discriminatory application of university policy is unambiguously illegal.
Despite weeks of trying to reach an amicable resolution at the bargaining table and abundant documentation of Stanford’s efforts to block union communication, Stanford refused to admit wrongdoing or pledge to discontinue this practice. We have now filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold Stanford accountable and ensure they cannot unilaterally create, alter, and selectively enforce university policy to prevent you from being informed about your union.
At the FAM, more than 200+ workers mobilized to kick off a new phase of organizing. Join the fight to ensure we have a contract with clear, concrete protections. By attending area meetings, you can stay on top of the bargaining process and help coordinate actions to escalate pressure on Stanford. Stay tuned for more!
We Can Win - Together!
Stanford now willing to discuss inclusive workplace guarantees, EH&S administrator agrees with us on health and safety. We need you at the FAM to get Stanford to speed up negotiations - RSVP below!
Thanks to your continued pressure, we have several bargaining wins to report from our 02/02/2024 session. Stanford initially refused to return our article on an inclusive workplace, meant to guarantee workplace disability accommodations and key protections for grad workers. However, Stanford has now indicated they are willing to negotiate on these issues! We hope they will follow through and have an article for us to review at the next bargaining session. Though there’s still a long way to go, it’s clear that applying pressure to Stanford is leading to meaningful progress at the table.
Following pushback from the union on Stanford’s refusal to take our health and safety proposals seriously, they responded by bringing in an EH&S administrator on Friday. Under close questioning from the union bargaining committee, the expert ended up affirming the need for strong health and safety protections like the ones we’re fighting for in our contract. We are pleased that Stanford Environmental Health & Safety SHARES OUR VIEW that the bare minimum legal requirements for health and safety are not enough to protect workers.
So far, Stanford’s strategy has been to waste time and money (their lawyer isn’t cheap) rather than critically engage with our proposals. There’s still a huge number of language issues open. Despite repeated requests, Stanford continues to claim that they can’t tell us Bechtel’s response rate to student complaints. International grad workers know the truth about Bechtel’s inefficiency. If you have specific concerns related to international grad worker experience, we invite you to share your story with us and let Stanford know what’s on the line for you. We are ready to keep pushing and Stanford seems more willing to play ball as of late. Let’s press Stanford together!
We gave them responses on ELEVEN articles on Feb 02 and we’re waiting for their response. We need pressure from the general membership to sway Stanford to make important concessions on these articles at the next meeting. Come to the FAM this Wednesday (RSVP for more details)!
In Solidarity,
Your BC
We Need You!
RSVP here for our University-wide February Action Meeting Wednesday, Feb 7th at 6pm
Fellow Grad Workers,
Your Bargaining Committee continues to fight for your interests in our contract negotiations with the University. We shared your stories about Stanford’s failure to protect you from workplace safety accidents, discrimination, and harassment. In response to the evidence we presented of severe workplace accidents occurring at Stanford research labs, Stanford alternated between silence and shameful admissions of ignorance. They don’t want to bear the responsibility of ensuring lab safety: they want the burden to be all on you.
Members of the BC also presented on discrimination and harassment at Stanford. The presentation contained powerful testimonies from grad workers supported by findings from Stanford’s own IDEAL survey, and explained the importance of workers having access to the union’s grievance procedure in cases of harassment and discrimination. Their response after we asked if current anti-discrimination procedures are helping victims? “We don’t track that.” Convincing the administration that the systems in place are not sufficient protections for our workers is an ongoing battle. We know that trying to report discrimination or harassment at Stanford can be traumatizing and inconclusive, especially when the abuse comes from a figure of authority like your advisor, and we are committed to ensuring workers’ access to the union’s grievance procedure, which includes a third-party arbitrator and union support.
Stanford still refuses to respond to our Inclusive Work Environment proposal on protections and accommodations for disability, religious practice, pregnancy, lactation, and gender and restroom equity. Without these protections in our contract, Stanford can continue to make unilateral changes in policy and enforcement. We cannot win a strong contract through negotiations alone. Our members must take action beyond the bargaining table to pressure Stanford to accept the contract language we need to protect workers from abuse.
Although Stanford did return some articles this session, they made almost no concessions on central issues that workers care about. By dragging their feet, Stanford hopes we’ll give up. We need a strong turnout at our February Action Meeting (FAM) on Wednesday, February 7th to show them that we’re serious about these issues. RSVP here. Know that your voice makes the difference: with your help, we pressured Stanford to agree to supply a new CA/TA/RA position each quarter (or just pay you the equivalent) if they cancel yours! With your continued support, we will force them to guarantee funding for 6 years!
Fight the Power,
Your BC.
Delay, Deflect, Deny - Stanford's Tactics
Stanford is dragging out negotiations and refusing to listen. We need all Graduate Workers to come together and pressure the administration.
Happy New Year! We’re starting 2024 strong with another bargaining win. We are in tentative agreement with Stanford on training, which guarantees access to the resources you need to support your state of the art research here at Stanford. During bargaining, we shared powerful testimonies from graduate workers about Stanford’s broken promises. But we need your help to move Stanford at the table. Here are the three major takeaways:
DELAY: Stanford continues to drag their feet at the table, only returning one counterproposal at our latest bargaining session. They also haven’t returned our proposal for six-year guaranteed funding after three months of bargaining. Despite promising five years of guaranteed funding on their websites and in admissions letters, many programs still deny their students internal funding..
DEFENDING A BROKEN SYSTEM: In spite of Stanford’s own campus study results showing that its labyrinth of processes for addressing discrimination and harassment don’t work, the university is still refusing our common sense calls for neutral arbitration and Union advocacy through a standardized grievance procedure. Instead, they claim that the status quo is good enough. Moreover, their nondiscrimination counterproposal excludes protections for graduate worker identities that go beyond the legal minimum.
SHIRKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR BECHTEL OPERATIONS: Stanford refuses to take any responsibility for the Bechtel International Center. They believe that Bechtel should set their own timelines, without institutional oversight, despite being fully aware of unacceptable wait times associated with applying for critical visa services.
A Strong Union protects workers: TO MOVE STANFORD, WE NEED ORGANIZED OPPOSITION BEYOND THE BARGAINING TABLE. We won’t allow our membership to be afraid of retaliation or be unheard when their discrimination and harassment claims are reported!
A victory at the table means all of us working together! We are currently collecting testimonials on:
-Lab safety incidents that you believe could have been prevented if not for Stanford’s negligence – if you have stories, you can share them with us here:
-Experiences from international graduate workers navigating Bechtel, which you can share here:
Please join us at our all-hands meeting on Thursday Jan 18! At this meeting, we will give updates on our campaigns for six year guaranteed funding, anti harassment and discrimination terms, fellow inclusion, and many of the other issues Stanford has been pushing back on. Make your voice heard!
In solidarity, Your Bargaining Committee
Stanford Returns Articles
Stanford resists nondiscrimination, workplace safety, fellow inclusion, and rights for international workers.
We hope you’re all doing well and planning for a restful break! TLDR: We made a lot of progress today and got some valuable concessions but Stanford plans to fight us on many fronts, including nondiscrimination, workplace safety, fellow inclusion, and rights for international workers. We won’t let them win. Look below for ways to get involved in the fight!
We just finished day 4 of bargaining with Stanford, and we finally received all but 3 of the articles we needed from them. The counter proposals they presented can be found on our handy-dandy bargaining tracker on our website.
In good news: We reached tentative agreements on two of our articles today! Stanford expressed willingness to host a website advertising open appointment listings We made headway on our grievance and arbitration article, which is critical to enforcing the terms of our contract and protecting workers from abuse and harassment
Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go. Stanford is using technicalities to devalue the work of research fellows and remove them from our union. Stanford also wants to pick and choose which people they will protect from harassment, omitting many protected categories that we had included in our proposals including caste and immigration status. Stanford maintains that whatever protections they will provide with regard to harassment and discrimination will not be enforceable via our grievance procedure. This would amount to a maintenance of the status quo, with no real protections for graduate workers against discrimination and harassment. This is unacceptable to us.
Despite our calls for safe working conditions for our membership, Stanford refuses to provide protections that go beyond the bare minimum required by law or codify rights and protections for international and undocumented workers. It’s clear we need a strong union but Stanford proposes that we accept a weak and unenforceable contract.
Show Stanford that these issues demand an immediate response by signing our Fellows Inclusion Petition and getting involved in Area meetings and the weekly Thursday Contract Action Team meetings! We are also running issue campaigns around fellow inclusion, union security, nondiscrimination, 6 year funding, and international student rights. If you’re interested please fill out our Issue Campaign Interest Form.
Our next bargaining session will be January 12th, 2024. We’re counting on your involvement to fight for the best contract. Please attend your departmental area meetings and make your voices heard!
In solidarity, SGWU Bargaining Committee
Bargaining Day 3
Won concessions on our name. Stanford stalling on nondiscrimination, disciplinary action, and our ability to enforce our contract.
Fellow grad workers,
TLDR: We won some consequential concessions at bargaining session 3!! Let’s keep this momentum going. Stanford is stalling and wants to fight us on nondiscrimination, disciplinary action, and our ability to enforce our contract. We won’t let them win on these issues!
On Tuesday we met with Stanford admin to continue discussing the fundamentals of our union contract. The four counter proposals they presented can be found on our handy-dandy bargaining tracker on our website.
In our third round of bargaining, the Bargaining Committee was able to break through Stanford’s insistence that they should be able to run the show – even down to what we call ourselves in our contract. Members of the bargaining committee read statements that detailed how being called “students” would diminish the value of the varied and crucial work we do at the university. By coming to an agreement that we will be called “Graduate Workers” (the GW in SGWU), we have effectively told Stanford that they will not be able to dictate the terms of our recognition. This is an important concession for future bargaining sessions grounded in respect and dignity for the work we do and the people we are. It should never have taken this much convincing, but your BC will not back down when it comes to fundamental questions of inclusion and dignity for all workers!
We have also won important concessions from Stanford on appointment letters and employer-covered training! These wins mean that:
We will each receive a formal notice detailing our conditions of employment at the beginning of each quarter or year. We’re still working to determine what kind of information will be included in these notices.
The university will cover the costs of relevant training for our work. This is an important consolidation of existing benefits, and we continue to fight to expand what can be included under this provision.
Keeping up our momentum is critical for a strong first contract. But Stanford’s tactic is to delay negotiations. By offering intermittent meeting times and stalling on counter proposals for key issues, Stanford is hoping to draw out bargaining. We cannot allow Stanford to continue to drag their feet on major issues like nondiscrimination, fellow inclusion, grievance procedures. Stanford also explicitly rejected our language stating that they must keep any promises they make to workers in admission letters. We insist that Stanford not be allowed to mislead prospective graduate workers so that they accept offers of admission. Show Stanford that these issues demand an immediate response by signing our Fellows Inclusion Petition, and getting involved in Area meetings and the weekly Thursday Contract Action Team meetings!
Our next bargaining meeting will be November 28. We’re counting on your involvement to fight for the best contract. Please attend your departmental area meetings and make your voices heard!
Want to get involved but don’t know where to start? Fill out our interest form here!
In solidarity,
SGWU Bargaining Committee
Bargaining Day 2
Check out Stanford's first counter proposals. Stanford doesn't want grievances to cover nondiscrimination.
Grad Workers,
Today, we discussed key non-economic issues with Stanford and responded to their questions about our proposals. You can see the university’s two counter-proposals and one proposal for new language in the bargaining tracker. Although we are close to reaching agreement on two articles, Stanford has also taken positions that would harm our union’s ability to effectively represent and protect its membership.
Stanford’s negotiators doubled down on the view that we are students first and workers second, a fundamentally disrespectful argument meant to justify low pay and minimal protections. Like their refusal to recognize fellows as members of our union, Stanford is ignoring the value we all contribute as workers at the University.
Additionally, Stanford wants to prevent the union from protecting its members against discriminatory behavior. We know a union-backed grievance procedure is essential for empowering workers who may experience harm due to their race, gender, disability status, caste, and other protected categories. We need nondiscrimination contract language to hold Stanford accountable.
Our next bargaining meeting will be November 14. We’re giving the University time to reconsider the two positions they’ve taken today. Show Stanford how much these issues matter to you by signing our petition to include Fellows in the bargaining unit. Most importantly, we need you to get involved! Attend your departmental area meetings and make your voices heard!
In solidarity,
SGWU Bargaining Committee