This page includes a summary of wins achieved so far in SGWU’s bargaining with Stanford. Most of these will go into effect immediately upon ratification of the entire contract.

Wins Within Our Signed Tentative Agreements

A tentative agreement is an agreement between the SGWU Bargaining Committee and Stanford, it represents language that both sides have agreed to, but is “tentative” pending completion of bargaining the entire contract and being ratified by the SGWU membership.

Grievance Procedure

Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • Required meetings on a defined timeline between relevant union and university representatives to discuss grievances filed by graduate worker.
  • Independent arbitration is the final authority, not Stanford.

Discipline and Discharge

Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • Progressive discipline: you cannot be fired for minor mistakes
  • Just cause needed for dismissal: you cannot be fired for arbitrary reasons
  • Union representation allowed in discipline meetings

Inclusive Work Environment

Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • The university will work with requesting graduate workers to provide access to gender-neutral restrooms, will provide free menstrual products in women’s and all gender workplace restrooms, and will respond to requests for placing menstrual products in men’s restrooms
  • A procedure for graduate workers to specify their name and pronouns in university online systems and a confidential portal for reporting incorrect name and pronoun usage by university systems
  • The university must provide disability accommodations in teaching and research
  • Graduate workers can reschedule work obligations to attend medical appointments

Health and Safety

Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • Guaranteed health and safe environment (beyond what is required by the law)
  • Guaranteed protection against retaliation for reporting safety concerns
  • If the university determines that a work environment is safe, they must explain to those concerned how they came to that conclusion and which relevant expert reached that conclusion

International Graduate Workers

Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • Bechtel will respond to requests in a timely manner, and within five days for those who are stuck abroad
  • Support for those who are unable to return to the USA
  • CPT/OPT shall not be unreasonably denied

Moved to economic articles:

  • visa and relocation cost coverage


Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • The university shall pay for any required trainings

Appointment Security

Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • If the university cancels an appointment, they have to find a replacement appointment or otherwise continue to pay the salary amount.

Appointment Notification

Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • The university shall provide a letter containing appointment details 14 days before the start of the appointment

Appointment Posting

Read the tentative agreement here.

Summary of wins:

  • The university shall list unfilled appointment positions on a centralized application website
  • Graduate students will be able to apply to these positions through the portal

Wins Within Proposals But Not In A Signed TA

Union Security

This article is still being negotiated in the context of other articles, but the language itself has been agreed. Read proposals on the Bargaining Tracker.

Summary of wins so far:

  • Agency shop: all covered workers will contribute to a strong union, members and non-members.
  • The university will handle dues or agency fees deductions via payroll.

Professional Rights

This article is still being negotiated. Read proposals on the Bargaining Tracker.

Summary of wins so far:

  • Per diem for travel reimbursement: no more saving meal receipts
  • Protection for retaliation for reporting research misconduct
  • Transparency on where the funding for your work is coming from


This article is still being negotiated in the context of other articles, but the language itself has been agreed. Read proposals on the Bargaining Tracker.

  • Graduate workers can only be required to work an average of 20 hours a week on work that is not integral to their degree.
  • Graduate workers cannot be required to attend work events at night, weekends, and on holidays without good reason.
  • As professionals, graduate workers have discretion to complete work at their own preferred time and dates.