A photo mosaic of many Stanford workers, joining together to form a union.

The time is now:

Pledge to strike!

Graduate Worker Strike FAQ Short!

Graduate Worker Strike FAQ Long!

Faculty Strike FAQ!

Stanford’s proposed contract is unacceptable. We have yet to see a living wage, real improvements to our benefits, any guarantee of employment or funding, or timely recourse for harassment, discrimination, and abuse.

We have launched our strike pledge, and we ask you to think deeply about what it would look like to go on strike for a better contract. If we reach the point where a majority of our membership votes to authorize a strike, this pledge will enable us to take rapid and coordinated action. We’ve already won some very important protections. Together, we can finish this fight.

Some high level questions about going on strike are answered in our short strike FAQ and in more detail in our verbose strike FAQ, and we encourage all members to engage in the ongoing campus-wide dialogue with your friends and coworkers. Find out more on our getting involved page.

As bargaining continues, follow our progress on the tracker and through our updates.